Please promote this forum everywhere you can. We need EVERYONE at ADLANDPRO to see this.
This threatens nobody, this could empower all.
Here is the link, PROMOTE, PROMOTE, PROMOTE.
This is the start of a discussion, not the start of just another program.
Does this make sense or not?
(Lesson I)
I’m sure it does, but I need others to share the dream. Is that too much to ask?
The Dream
The development of an online marketing system that EVERYONE, and I mean EVERYONE, can take part in, as long as they can get online and use their existing skills for the betterment of everyone.
Remember! IT IS NUMBERS THAT COUNT but we tend to forget this fact in our quest for the perfect downline or sub-affiliate.
To enable the natural business builders to EXPLODE their numbers by using their skill to upgrade and maintain the accounts of the masses while benefiting from the on and offline skills of others that have been bartered for by them. In return for huge numbers they in turn share their profits back to the team.
John has joined program after program. He finds it difficult to understand how the systems work and he sees others coining-in money while he is putting in the hours but not getting a return.
Result: Throwing time and money away, feeling inadequate and making no money.
Mary has been doing this for ages. It seems easy to her, she promotes, she closes deals but then her raw recruits don’t upgrade or attend online conferences. She has a stack of unqualified downline who, on average fail to succeed. As successful as she is, she can’t write copy, or make a website, or keep her bookwork, or even find time to communicate with her recruits. Instead of sharing a team she is heading a team of somethings and nothings.
Result: A lot of work, small returns.
That's nobody's dream.
IDENTIFY? Don’t admit it here just tell me that you know it’s the truth.
Watch this space.