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Verna ZdarskiKeeble

142 Posts
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Re: A Home Made Shampoo!!!
2/3/2008 10:56:48 AM

 Hi Donna,

When you came up this great idea of sharing receipes.

I wanted to share a total different receipe with all our Adland Friends.

Sorry, for taking so long to do so, I recently got this receipe given to me.

I have not yet tried, but I am going to here next time I wash my hair.

The dish detergent I'm going use is sunlight.

It's Called:

An Excellent & Inexpensive Hair

    Shampoo     &   Conditioner 

1 cup regular liquid dishwashing  detergent. 

1 cup vinegar

1/2 cup water

Mix  all ingredients together.

Leaves hair sparkling clean.    


Verna ZK.

To Our Health/Wealth Success                       


Donna Zuehl

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Re: A Home Made Shampoo!!!
2/6/2008 6:56:50 PM

Hi Verna,

Welcome to the recipe forum. Thank you for sharing this unusual recipe. Let us know how it works for you. I will let you be the guinea pig. :) (For Americans, this means the one who tries something out  to see if it works.) If it seems to leave your hair clean and shiny, I will try it. I know that vinegar is supposed to be a good rinse for your hair. It will be interesting to see how the dish detergent does on hair.

