fellow bloggers !
Goodness !
After my holiday in England,
I still haven’t completely caught up (will I ever?).
Some of you
are new to blogging and others are very blogwise. I hope that we can share our
experiences here for the benefit of each other.
At the
beginning of this thread, I mentioned that I was building my blog via Tim
Southernwood’s Success
(I have put
a lot more content on my blog, by the way, if you want to take a look).
training/conference session was excellent. I came away with lots of ideas on
how to improve and monetize my blog. I know that some of you have expressed a
wish to concentrate on making money via your writing. A blog is a good way of
doing that.
Of course,
there are thousands of people out there creating their blogs. You want to get
your blog noticed, and to therefore be highly ranked on the search engines. You
need to have links to and from your blog.
One way of
enabling this monetization process is to post comments on other people’s blogs,
preferably blogs that are connected to the same theme or niche as yours.
How do you
find these blogs? Isn’t it time consuming?
Yes, it is
time consuming, but at Saturday’s Success Patrol meeting, Tim shared a very
useful program with us, which is just what the doctor ordered.
You simply
type in some keywords or keyword phrases and the program finds and lists the
blogs for you, that are associated with your keywords. The list of blogs
appears. You click on each one and the blogs come up on your screen. You post
on the blog.
So, the
program finds the blogs and you post comments and include your blog link. This
isn’t spamming. You post relevant info/comments onto blogs that you have read.
You are not blasting blogs with spam, using a robot.
This very
useful program can be downloaded for free at:
There is
the free version which will find you 50 blogs associated with your keyword
phrase or you can upgrade to receive more benefits and searches.
that’s my tip for today. Thanks go to Tim for sharing this.