Hi Rose - I can give you an update on cycle times in 1-2 weeks, because it grew so fast and there were some software script errors that had to be corrected so the website was down for about 5 days, so of course people were not promoting then and no one was cycling.
I on purpose waitied until all systems were go so that it would be a smooth transition for new members coming on board. That's why my second post came days after my first post.
So it's going to be up to the membership as far as how quicly the cycles start back up. But for the membership cost only about $10 goes into the cycle portion anyway (unless you elect to put more in after you join.) If you want a quick double that may not happen.
I'm recommending this now as an advertising marketing resource, because of the advertising product. But remember with the matrix, with the high matrix payout and the 100% matching sponsoring bonus you can earn a full-time monthly income just because of th matrix payout and there aren't even any sponsoring requirements to get paid for your matrix volume, the people on my first level are now starting to experience spill over because my first level is full.
I should be in profit from just the matrix part of the program before the month is over and I can't tell you how thrilled I am to be able to tell you that.
So I would suggest looking at this as an advertising resource or a program with a great montly earning potential.
However stay tuned, I'll have another forum before the weekend is over, about another advertising source that may interest you as well.