
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Recently Updated POWERPAK Site AND Info about CO-OP MAILINGS:
1/16/2008 11:10:48 AM

Here's the updated Lotto Magic Powerpak site, this has testimonials, including 2 from the winners of the recruiting contest...Scott B won first place a few months ago in the 2007 recruiting contest, and Alice P also was near the top of the 2007 recruiters, she won the contest for 2006.  (Alice is the 67-year old lady who has earned nearly $100,000 with Lotto Magic in just 2 and a half years!)

The Powerpak site also has the 9-minute online audio.  As a member of Lotto Magic, this site would cost you an additional $9.95 monthly, it's well worth it!  You'd earn $25 monthly from each Team Captain who joins, so if just one person joins thru your Powerpak site, it would already more than pay for itself!

Lotto Magic also offers co-op mailings of postcards and promotional letters.  These mailings are CASS certified (Coding Accuracy Support System) to make sure the addresses actually exist before mailing.


If you decide to do the postcard co-op, Lotto Magic will send a booklet in a 6x9 envelope to everyone who responds to the postcards.  The booklets are coded with a special 10-digit number that prospects will need to enter when they call or visit the special site reserved for co-op replies.   This ensures that you won't lose your prospects, there's no way they can sign up without you getting the commission.  The postcard co-op mailings go out every 3 weeks.


The letter co-op is a first-come first-served group of 100 members who each get 500 mailings.  Lotto Magic mails out 50,000 letters approximately every 5 weeks for the co-op.   The recipients names are ink-jetted onto the envelopes, that's much more professional than using labels, and their first names are also mentioned several times within the letter itself.  Lotto Magic tests several different letters among different mailing lists and tracks which letters and lists pull in the best response rate so they can tweak the performance of the mailings each time for the best response in future mailings.

The responses are equally distributed among everyone in the co-op so no one will get ALL the replies for themself, and no one should get zero.  Some of the winners in the recruiting contest used this letter co-op during the months of the contest, that in itself says a LOT!!...

The promotional letter co-op brings in more high caliber prospects, they need to send in a few dollars to receive more information about Lotto Magic...people who send in money are more likely to seriously study the information when it arrives.  For their few dollars, they will receive the booklet, a cover letter, and a bonus, possibly the 9-minute audio message on CD along with the 49-minute MLM training message.  (The bonus may vary from mailing to mailing)  Your prospects will also receive a follow-up letter a few weeks after that.  You will receive their address, and most likely their email address, and phone number so you can also contact them yourself....

This mailing is also specially coded so you can't lose your prospect, they need to call or visit the co-op website and enter a 10-digit number.  There has been nearly a 4% response rate to these letter co-op mailings, that equals approximately 2,000 replies from a 50,000 mailing.  So with 100 people in the co-op, they would each get about 20 replies.   Those are replies, not sign-ups, but remember, those prospects paid a few dollars for more information, and they received additional info from Lotto Magic and a follow-up letter, plus hopefully follow-up from you also, their future you know they are VERY interested.  Just stay in touch with them.  (4% is an excellent response rate, usually in mail-order, the average response is less than 2%)


You'll receive information on how to get into the mailing co-ops when you receive your start-up pack after you join.

We're hoping that Lotto Magic will expand it's co-op mailings to much more than 50,000 monthly so more people can be in it.  There is actually a waiting list, that's how popular the promotional letter co-op mailings are!

See testimonials from some of the top earners here, including Scott and Alice, 2 of the winners of the recruiting contests (this is the Powerpak site that costs an additional $9.95 monthly)

All members get the basic site like this included with your membership fee when you join:


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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: Recently Updated POWERPAK Site AND Info about CO-OP MAILINGS:
1/16/2008 11:36:14 AM

"Wow! I made $4,147 last month and didn’t even budge from my chair! It’s just amazing that my income keeps growing like this. This system gives me the best odds of hitting a jackpot and when I do, it will just be icing on the cake!" Alice P, Ohio

"Lotto Magic is like having a second income, without having to work a second job. By following a simple process, and performing less than an hour of simple work at my kitchen table each day, I’ve been able to generate a monthly check that just keeps growing! $3,258 last month! Thanks Lotto Magic!" Scott B, Virginia


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Nick Sym

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Re: Recently Updated POWERPAK Site AND Info about CO-OP MAILINGS:
1/16/2008 11:54:35 AM
Breast Cancer Awareness On My Site! Free exposure that works
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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: Recently Updated POWERPAK Site AND Info about CO-OP MAILINGS:
1/16/2008 1:58:13 PM
Thanks for the beautiful graphic, Nick! 
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John Charles

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Re: Recently Updated POWERPAK Site AND Info about CO-OP MAILINGS:
1/16/2008 3:47:11 PM

Hello Kathleen,

                    As an everyday Computer user like myself, I feel compelled to make you aware about the ALARMING  increase of Cyber Criminals. The FBI said 1 in 4 computer will be attacked this year. These criminals will get your pin# to your Bank account, Identity theft, use your computer as what is refered to as Zumbie computer; they will use this computer to do serious crimes without you knowing. Secure Your Lifestyle, your privacy etc. I have given you a little peek of the enormous problem, now browse this website for the solutions.

Kathleen, now you are aware of the damage or damages these criminals are capably of, protect yourself, family, friends and your downline.

Have a great and Blessed day.


with love and God's blessings towards your success.
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