If you don’t
have an account here yet…..grab it now!
Its F*R*E*E!
Please join
me at the, “Wealthtoolbox” and you will have 100.00 immediately deposited into
your account. It's an Investment Account
and the money needs to stay in there and mature, but you can draw it out in 24
months. And........each person you refer
Tell a friend
and get your reward!
To grow your account more quickly, simply send your friends to your personal
referral address. Your account will
grow by $20 for each new member you personally refer (known as your Level 1
referrals). Plus, we'll add $20 to your account for each new member they refer
(your Level 2), and so on for five levels of referrals.
You'll be
amazed at how quickly your account can grow when you're getting rewarded on
five levels of referrals. For example, referring just 5 friends who each refer
5 of their own friends would add $600 to your account.
Please note,
the account balance upper limit is currently set at $25,000.
Roberta(Jeanie)Fye One Step 4 Income