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Geketa Holman

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I am Back and saying hello to my Adland family !
1/15/2008 9:53:03 AM
Hello Everyone,
I have been gone for a long while, but now I am back and saying hello to all my Adland family. BIG HUGS TO EVERYONE!! I missed you all so much and thought about each one of you often.

In early August I injured my lower back while working a part-time job and was unable to set,stand or do much of any thing for months. Therapy helped, but is slow going.Now I can  finally  set at the computer for an hour or so and wanted to get back to my networking. So here I am .

I also underwent two eye surgeries both came out great !

I will be updating my web page and have started a new company can't wait to let you all see the site when I get it done.

Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Sarah Pritchard

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Re: I am Back and saying hello to my Adland family !
1/15/2008 10:14:26 AM
Welcome back Geketa!

I hope your back gets better soon.

Angel cuddles,


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Peter Fogel

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Re: I am Back and saying hello to my Adland family !
1/15/2008 10:20:00 AM
Hi Geketa,

I already said hi to you at another community but it's great to see you back here at Adland.

I was wondering where you disappeared to and now all is understood. I'm glad to hear you're feeling better and are able to work at your networking business once again.

Looking forward to seeing your new site.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: I am Back and saying hello to my Adland family !
1/15/2008 10:28:03 AM
Hi Geketa, and welcome back. Yes, always wondered where you disappeared to and feared you were beamed up. Don't want to make light of your situation but glad you are here again. Hope you like all the changes in Adlandpro.
Luella May

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Re: I am Back and saying hello to my Adland family !
1/15/2008 10:44:05 AM


How wonderful to see you!  I have thought of you so often.

My goodness, it is amazing how certain valued friends have had to leave the community temporarily for one reason or another now to return to be together again.  What a wonderful new year.

I am so sorry to hear about your injury and will pray for your recovery.  And it will happen.  But yes, sometimes these things are slow going.

A couple of years ago I fell off a stage on coming down the steps after a performance and broke my arm and dislocated my shoulder.  That alone took an entire year to heal fully, so I can imagine how long your injury will take to heal.  But it will happen.  Prayer and patience is a winning combination.

I am so very glad that your eyes are so much better.  I see a brand new and wonderful year ahead.

Welcome back my friend!

Love and Hugs,



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