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Flag of Eileen H

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New Twist on Overpayment Scam!
8/12/2005 9:29:44 AM
Has anyone seen the overpayment scam? Well There are some new twists. Let me first expalin the Over Payment scam. You List an Item for sale, Usually a big ticket item. Someone sends you a Money order for an over payment of the amount of the item. You then Put the money order in your bank account, send them the item and the check for the differnce of the overpayment. Transaction finished? Not at all. The money orders look very real, and are usually accepted as legitimate by banks. Unfortunately, the money order is actually fake. Now you are out the difference you sent them and the item for sale, Maybe even some bouncing fee's in your account. Now Here's the Twist..... Instead of buying an item they will offer you a job. Here's how it works.... You receive what is supposed to be a job offer to become a "financial representative" of an international company. You are told that this company has problems accepting money from US customers and is looking for financial representatives to handle the payments. You are usually offered a % to handle the transactions. If you apply to them for the job, there are several ways you can get scamed. 1) Identity Theft 2)They may attempt to steal money directly from Your account. 3)You may receive bogus payments that you then deposit into your bank account, and then send them the % of the money, which, of course, you lose. Avoid all these overpayment scams. Never agree to handle financial transactions for people you don't know or who offer you a job. Never accept money orders and send back part of the payment to anyone,no matter what the reason. Stay Safe and Have a Great Day !
Flag of Drbob Siegman

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Re: New Twist on Overpayment Scam!
8/12/2005 10:19:07 AM
Hi Eileen, Hey thanks for the heads up, I wasn't aware of this one! From now on if I receive an overpayment I will just return the original MO and request one for right amount. Today, I Will Be More Than I Was Yesterday, And even more than that Tomorrow!
Flag of Beverly Armstrong

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Re: New Twist on Overpayment Scam!
8/12/2005 10:27:59 AM
Good Lord! Thank you Eileen!!!! Got to go but this is a fantastic job you are doing girl! Keep it up! :) :) :) :) Official AdlandPro Expert, Synergism CEO, Beverly Armstrong NC, Certified Mycrous Therapist, (Homeopathies) Certified Reiki Master, Certified Magnetic Therapist & Networking Business Consultant, & Writer (Now with sound)
Beverly Armstrong NC., Health & Website Consultant, Trainer, Writer & Entreprenuer, Network Marketing & Tutorials
Flag of Gene Tinney

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Re: New Twist on Overpayment Scam!
8/12/2005 10:39:28 AM
hi eileen i will certainly watch for that Gene
Flag of Lisa Reddell

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Re: New Twist on Overpayment Scam!
8/12/2005 11:00:20 AM
Hi Eileen, Well, I hadn't seen this scam yet. Hopefully I don't. Thanks for taking care of us:) Lisa :`)
Lisa Reddell :`)
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