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Joe Downing

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Re: More Votes Please!!
1/10/2008 1:57:06 PM
Thanks Judy, I voted!!!!!!
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John Partington

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Re: More Votes Please!!
1/10/2008 2:09:08 PM

Hi Judy,

I have already been and voted.  It's a fact that we have 67,000 plus members, but do you realise that a huge number of new members are scared off by aggressive marketing from members promoting their product or service!

I have read comments in various forums that new members are receiving invites to be friends with a sales pitch thrown in.  So I am not surprised that less than a quarter of members stay active and the others just fade away to other communities with less aggressive members!

I started the nomination forum for the February JP Award earlier today, and so far it has received just one post.  I just wish people would understand that no one in their right mind would buy or join any program from someone they don't know!

Best Wishes


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Rudy Hiebert(rudyhiebert.myamsoil.c

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Re: More Votes Please!!
1/10/2008 3:19:42 PM
John, couldn't have said it better myself. It's my guess that the spams are from those with no scrupples and probably are only in AdlanPro to flog their stuff. If the thousands that get them would boycott or ignore and delete it, they would disappear and leave the space for those with higher value to A.P. community.    
Judy Smith

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Re: More Votes Please!!
1/10/2008 4:59:26 PM

Hi John,

I heartily agree as well.  I get those invitations myself all the time.  I love Joe's letter of invitation.  He has it posted in his POTY forum and it is wonderful. 

It a community of this size, that is world wide, I think we just have to agree that it can't be perfect.  However, there are a lot more than  103 members who know and love the 4 condidates for the POTW this week.  I would just like to see a few more show up on a regular basis. 

I was away a lot over the holidays and not around Adland as much as normal, but I still got in here enough to visit my favorite forums, and vote for the POTY and the Photo of the week and the POTW.  I think many who join have their notifications turned off all the time and really haven't a clue how much they are missing in Adland!!.

Just my opinion.  Thanks for coming.  I always feel special when you visit my forums.


Judy Smith

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Re: More Votes Please!!
1/10/2008 5:01:02 PM

Hi Rudy,

Thanks for coming back and posting again.  It seems we all agree on the friend invite with ad attached being a turn-off to newcomers. 

Well, we added 5 votes to the total at this point and we can pray for some more this evening!!




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