Hi Kathy you hit the spot with that thread. I would also say that the most important things are to make time work for you, is to look at it as a countdown of your life. You can't change the last hour, but the next one so use it wisely.
With so many opportunities to get yourself into a position of wealth in a matter of minutes, hours, days, months and years is within everyones grasp. But only some will make it.
To truly use all of your time in the day for your wealth building would not be good for your home, business and social life. Scedule in some me time in everything you plan. But in the pursuit of wealth be careful of what you become.
Helping as many other people achieve this through the muck and mire will make you a stronger person and indeed a more valued asset to yourself, family and business partners.
Wealth I think will come automatically to those who have or are working on all of the atributes you mentioned Kathy. Its others putting in the same efforts as you that will climb to the top of the pile. Once you get through the clouds at the top of your own personal mountain you see just how fantastic it rwally is and looking back will be able to see how to get others up there with you, in even less time.
In summary Kathy I would say that there is only one person who can influence your time and thats yourself. So make a promise to yourself to get things done in the time frame you set yourself. Then you'll start to enjoy all that free time.