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Sam Sunday

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Re: Are you a PFH... or a HWG... or.....
1/11/2008 10:56:13 AM

Hello my good buddy and business teacher,

You have done it again. I teaching material that one should pay to get into the classroom. Mmmmm!! Where so "yours faithfully" fit in?

I am rather a slow learner but I tend to push as hard as possible to know the from the very scratch to the tail end before I plunge headlong. Thay according to most friends is not a good business characteristic as it involves less risks and takes way too much time. So I am trying to adjust; learn as much, start the race but take it cautious and watch my back!! Where does that land me?

But wait! I am like my good friend Judy, I seem to have veered through everyone of these characteristics!! Oooops, Neil I need to open my eyes wider and take a second read. But thanks for giving us the titbits, they are most valuable. I have kept refering newbies to your forum, this is the "bestest" place to learn busines online tips.

Blessings my friend.

Ana Maria Padurean

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Re: Are you a PFH... or a HWG... or.....
1/11/2008 11:07:19 AM
Hello Neil :-)

This was a very interesting reading!
I think many people who starts with some kind of MLM, starts as WTL! If they are not just WL, after a very short while are growing to FBJ, thought with some limits! (not quite everything - just the odd or even ones LOL) Now, here comes the difference! If they are T - enough to realize they could be at least HWGs, than there is hope! They are on the stair of EVOLUTION!

I think the "at once" WTG's are going to "evoluate" ... instead of growing as reliable at least MIA, they are going to be "successful" WLs and more - misunderstood genius!

Now, what do you say about this?! LOL

Wish you a wonderful and successful year!

... what ever the flag in your hand would be!

With lots of friendship,
Neil Sperling

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Re: Are you a PFH... or a HWG... or.....
1/11/2008 11:33:45 AM

Great to see you pop in!

I think Judy Summed it up perfectly - we all go through each stage of growth. Eventually - everyone who sticks with it and tries - they become the PFH. PLayers From Heaven are "made" they are not born.

We all have our own set of objectives and goals. And that is the way it SHOULD be!

Your analysis of yourself when reading this reminds me of the four types of people thread. I wonder - are you an Analyzer?

Everyone is a Gem in their own way - and you my friend will remain a TRUE gem already in the process of polishing and perfecting. Keep on Being the you we all love!

Love Light and Laughter

Neil Sperling

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Re: Are you a PFH... or a HWG... or.....
1/11/2008 11:42:02 AM

Love your post! You've had fun Thinking and playing with my Acronyms.

You got the message too...... it is all about growth and going through the stages of change! One can only pray that everyone "grows" though the events of "their" life and they actually evolve.

There is only a little difference between a "rut" and a "grave." 

A Grave at least has ends - LOL -

Ruts go on for ever!

May everyone reading these posts in this thread evolve, just a little even, and may they thus leave some of their "ruts" behind!

Love Light and Laughter

Neil Sperling

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Re: Are you a PFH... or a HWG... or.....
1/11/2008 11:43:33 AM
PS Anamaria - It matters not what flag - what matters is the brand of refreshment in the  other hand...LOL