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Re: A most important letter from Laura Bush ....
1/9/2008 2:51:40 AM
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Re: A most important letter from Laura Bush ....
1/9/2008 6:59:09 AM
"Thank You Beth...My 1st WIN Member"

Re: A most important letter from Laura Bush ....
1/10/2008 5:19:14 PM


        Oh My God... It finally happened. A chain Legal letter for Desparate Housewives, endorsed by the Whitehouse. What is our great nation coming to? (LOL).

        In answer to your question about which candidate will not sing the anthem or salute the flag, that is none other than Senator Barack Obama. Why? Because his church forbids it. You see, he belongs to Trinity United Church of Christ (look at ). They are a "Christian" church, but only allow memberships from blacks, and they have a 100% dedication to the continent of Africa and something called Diaspora.

       I got an email on it this morning, from a friend, the second of two similar emails this week. I am not bashing Barack, or even blacks in general, but I sent the church an email, professionally spoken of course, and kindly informed them of the 'error of their ways', because the Bible and Jesus' teachings preach a whole lot different tune.

       The worse part is, that millions of Americans, who DO salute the flag and who DO sing the National Anthem and who DO put their hands over their hearts when doing so, silently beieve that he is still secretly practicing his muslim ways in private. It has already been confirmed that his father AND stepfather both have connections to an Al-Quaeda training camp in their home nation of Kenya.

       So has the CIA and the Secret-Service done a full complete job of investigating ALL of the candidates' qualifications? And what about their intentions AND possible ulterior motives? So, below, I have copied and pasted the entire letter with email address and all from the man who sent it to me. Read it, fvisit the site, then make your own judgement(s).

       Like I said, I do not send this to dis anyone, but if there is any truth to it, then the entire nation has a right to know this "BEFORE" we go to vote. Without any further adue, here is the mail:


Hi all,
I got this from a friend and it's up to us to pass this around to as many people as we can so this message gets out. After viewing the website you can make up your own mind. I believe in the United States of America and will give my life to preserve our heritage.


I am completely appalled by this. What is AMERICA going to do with an
implanted racist in the White House? We had better wake up and make
sure this goes to everyone, white or black!

Obama mentioned his church during his appearance with Oprah. It's the
Trinity Church of Christ. I found this interesting and you will too.

Obama's church:
Please read and go to this church's website and read what is written
there. It is very alarming. Barack Obama is a member of this church and
is running for President of the United States of America. If you look
at the first page of their website, you will learn that this
congregation has a non-negotiable commitment to Africa. No where is
AMERICA even mentioned! Notice too, what color you will need to be if
you should want to join Obama's church... B-L-A-C-K!!!

Doesn't look like his choice of religion has improved much over his
former Muslim upbringing?

Are you aware that Obama's middle name is Mohammed? Strip away his nice
looks, the big smile and smooth talk and what do you get? Certainly a
racist, as plainly defined by the stated position of his church! And
possibly a covert worshipper of the Muslim faith, even today. This guy
desires to rule over America while his loyalty is totally vested in a
Black Africa? NOT IN MY BOOK, HE DOESN'T!! I am really surprised how
he has been able to get as far as he has since I thought it was
terrible when he won the US Senate seat for the state of Illinois.
What is wrong with people who will vote for such a person who will not
even salute the American flag or place his hand over his heart when the
National Anthem is played?

I cannot believe this has not been all over the TV and newspapers.
This is why it is so important to pass this message along to all of our
family & friends. To think that Obama has even the slightest chance in
the run for the presidency, is really scary. Wake up America!!!!

Click on the link below:
This is the web page for the church Barack Obama belongs to:

Trinity United Church of Christ

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     WIth all of that said, have a great week marketing and may all the Gods bless America.

Your Friend,

Benton Middleton, Independant Ecoprneur

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Beth Schmillen

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Re: A most important letter from Laura Bush ....
1/10/2008 6:45:50 PM
Hi Benton...

that's where this comes from? I know that there are white members of his church because of news and sources that aren't letters sent via email and misguided intentions of those who may not want to see a Black Man as president...

You allege that there are Al Quada connections with his step father... and his father

That is a strong allegation to make...

That's probably like saying someone in Chicago as recently as back in the 60s was in the mob just because they knew someone who was... Everyone knew someone who was or had a connection... if only to be sure they were clear of them...

Benton... you may know someone who has an Al Quada connection....

Beth Schmillen

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Re: A most important letter from Laura Bush .... is now a Barak Obama and other campaign issues thread!
1/10/2008 7:37:34 PM
Re: A most important letter from Laura Bush .... is now a Barak Obama and other campaign issues thread!

Has anyone seen Obama not place his hand over his heart during the singing of the national anthem?

Saluting the Flag... let's see... I can't recall doing this myself... I know Boy scouts in uniform do this... and the president would no doubt... So, has anyone seen Barak Obama not Salute the U.S. Flag when he should have?

Did Barack Obama refuse to salute the flag?

(...from Yahoo answers ...)

Why is everyone just passing on the same angry "e-rumor"? Why not read what Obama had to say about it?

I'm not voting for him, because I think the last thing we need is a democrat in charge, but he is a good man and has never done anything to suggest disrespect for our country and its symbols. Internet addicts need to use the internet for information, not circulating unfounded rumors.
  • 4 weeks ago

I phrased these questions because that is what needs to be asked...

***I found these references so far regarding Obama... going back for more! "


Bob Kerrey Apologizes to Barack Obama For Muslim Comments
