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Beth Schmillen

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A most important letter from Laura Bush ....
1/8/2008 11:25:38 PM
Dear Friends,

This letter was started in hopes of bringing relief to tired and discouraged women. Just send a copy of this letter to five of your female friends who are equally tired and discontented.

Then bundle up the man in your life, send him to the woman whose name appears at the top of the following list, and add your name to the bottom of the list.

When your turn comes, you will receive 15,625 men. One of them is bound to be better than the one you already have.

At the writing of this letter, a friend of mine had already received 184 men, all of whom were better than the sad example she started out with.

An unmarried woman living with her widowed mother was able to choose between a Chippendale dancer and an Olympic swimmer.

You can be lucky, too, but DO NOT BREAK THE CHAIN! One woman broke the chain and got her own husband back!

So let's keep it going, ladies! Just add your name and address to the list below:

Laura Bush
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington , DC
Peter Fogel

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Re: A most important letter from Laura Bush ....
1/8/2008 11:57:38 PM
Hi Beth,

Is this a form of "Bush Bashing" or are you looking for another man in your life??

Not that I'm a Bush advocate but I am curious.

Peter Fogel
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Beth Schmillen

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Re: A most important letter from Laura Bush ....
1/9/2008 1:24:44 AM
Hello Peter...

You ask very interesting questions... I was wondering how this might be taken here... I'm not looking for a man this way...

I think the humor in this is ... a wee bit of Bush bashing... and it's a funny way of making fun of the fwd emails that many of us get from those who mean well and if you keep sending it on you'll get your wishes come true...

Now this is thoroughly ABSURD... that you could package up the man in your life and someone would end up with 19,000 or more to choose from....

The humor lies in the letter being a take off on a common chain letter theme...

Did you hear the actaul news interview where Laura mentioned that George tends to fall asleep very early ... early to bed early to rise... for the Presidency and the intimation was that she wasn't getting the attention a woman of her age might appreciate....

But there are many who joke like this about there spouse... and these types of emails are sent all the time...

I'm a bleeding heart Democrat and generally have a different type of humor that I express personally.... But this was just cute....

nothing serious really...
Peter Fogel

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Re: A most important letter from Laura Bush ....
1/9/2008 1:49:07 AM

Hey Beth,

I've always seen the humor and sadness in the chain letters that supposedly will make us all millionaires. The humor is in the fact that they keep on coming and the sadness is for the exact same reason. People will continue to believe that they can make their fortune by sending a $5 bill and now I guess the same goes for a MAN. :) 

Like you in general I am a Democrat by nature but now a days it's a difficult choice. I vote at the US Embassy in Tel Aviv and I think I'd find it very difficult to vote for a candidate that refuses to salute the American flag and sing the  Anthem.

Oh well difficult times and difficult choices. We'll all have to decide what the lesser of 2 evils are, won't we?

Can you believe that all the above is due to a sad and funny chain letter??

BTW, one thing I can say in favor of Bush is that he's a good friend to Israel.

All the best & Shalom,

Peter Fogel 

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Beth Schmillen

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Re: A most important letter from Laura Bush ....
1/9/2008 2:47:31 AM
Hi Peter,

I didn't know for certain if Bush was seen well by Israel because of his seeking to bring about a separate Palestinian state... or at least that's how i understand it... but that he is and has been trying to resolve this since coming into office is also the one thing I found in his favor...

I meant to type bleeding heart Liberal as opposed to progressive... yes, Democrat although I've always looked at the Republicans to see what it is I don't want to vote for... and would there be one I would vote for... McCain is one that I'd consider except that it looks like he or which ever R. candidate gets the nomination will be up against one of the two of the most amazing candidates that I wasn't sure would actually run in my lifetime... a younger black man  or a woman will be in the whitehouse unless the Republicans find someone who can beat them....

I have to ask you though: Which democratic candidates that are in the running won't salute the American Flag or sing the anthem? 
