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Sharon Lee

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Re: Come congratulate Joe Downing on winning the Person of the Year award!!!
1/8/2008 8:34:30 AM

WoW!!! Popped in to check messages and saw ol JOE pop up on the screen!!!! CONGRATULATIONS JOE!!

A WELL Deserved win for you...;-) I look forward to your forum this year again to keep me updated on the whats and doings in alp.

Keep everyone smiling Joe....;-) You are a inspiration to us all.


Joe Downing

9720 Posts
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Re: Come congratulate Joe Downing on winning the Person of the Year award!!!
1/8/2008 8:55:35 AM

Hello Beef!

Oh Greeley was certainly the place to be.  We lived on the outskirts of town near a large irrigation canal.  In the fall and winter while it was empty, it was the most amazing place for discoveries.  I found my first crawdad there!  Ouch!!!  Those were some good days.

I say a special prayer for you Beef and your efforts at CMU7.  May you be continually blessed with the wisdom to make a huge difference in this world and the rewards for your unselfish and generous sacrifices that you have made for your friends.

God bless you!


PS:  Your name reminded me of a time as a kid when we had milk cows.  My friend who use to come to our place would say, "Let's go play down by the beef".  I never knew why he didn't say cattle or cows or the barn like most others, but it always brought a smile to my face.  It really was the haystack he wanted to climb.  LOL!!!

***ADLAND BULLETIN BOARD*** What is Xtreme X2O? ###Get some X2O and Jerky RADICAL for the TRUTH! Laus Deo! ** HUG DEPARTMENT: Always OPE
Re: Come congratulate Joe Downing on winning the Person of the Year award!!!
1/8/2008 9:34:52 AM

Well gee whiz, Joe!  You're Person of the Year and one of the 12 Stars in Marilyn's Parade of Stars for 2007!  Do I have to call you 'Mister Downing' now?   LOL

All kidding aside, both are well-deserved recognitions of all the fine effort and time you've put into this Community.  

Enjoy your time in the sun, my friend!


Re: Come congratulate Joe Downing on winning the Person of the Year award!!!
1/8/2008 10:34:11 AM


What a wonderful start to the

New Year.


When I read your bio - I was shocked when I realised you had joined just one month before me and yet:-

  • You have over 3,500 friends and I have just 18
  • You have posted over 7000 times in the forums and have have posted just 40!!

Hmmm - I think you could certainly teach me a thing or two.

Thanks for being such an inspiration.

I will endeavour take a leaf out of your book and be more socially active in 2008!

Re: Come congratulate Joe Downing on winning the Person of the Year award!!!
1/8/2008 10:38:38 AM

I think that should have read 181 friends not 18. Still not very impressive though!!!