Welcome to AdlandPro's Person of the Year Award's forum for the year 2007!

The POTY is the most prestigious and most sought after award at AdlandPro. And thanks to you folks the program has been a great success. Thank you everyone for your participation at the nominations forum and at the poll.
POTW & POTY Forum Partners
Pauline Raina and John Sanchez

This year we are honoring one of AdlandPro's finest with the Person of the Year award, his name is Joe Downing! For Joe to have won this year's POTY award says a lot about him because this year we probably had the best group of candidates ever competing for the award. We the citizen's of AdlandPro can be proud to have Joe representing us as our Person of the Year. Joe has a sincere love for the members of this community and he has strived all year to make AdlandPro the best community on the Net. Giving Joe the POTY award is the least we could do for him for all the work that he has done here and for the love he spreads from forum to forum. Congratulations Joe on winning the POTY award! Enjoy your year on the main stage of AdlandPro! :-)

AdlandPro's Person of the Year for 2007!!!
Here's Joe's Bio:
A great attidtude leads to a great life!
“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
~Wayne Dyer

Greetings to all of my Adland family.
You have very much surprised me with the outcome of this POTY election. I would ask someone to pinch me, but I might wake up and then what? LOL!!!
Because of my quest to help make the world happier, healthier, wealthier and wiser, I found Adland on January 20th, 2007. I was checking out several communities to learn how to market online and to meet other business like-minded folks. Oh how my daily habits changed rapidly after getting to know a few members here. :) I don’t know if it was the “Getting organized” or “Making a Difference” forums that allowed me to really enjoy being here in the beginning, but I can truly say that my life has been enriched with friendships far beyond my expectations.
This has certainly become a great adventure for me. The friends that I have made are priceless. They have taught me many things about business, respect, diligence, honor, being generous, helpfulness, sharing, kindness, the world and about love. Maybe one day I will be able to repay this great debt of kindness that all of you have hugged me with. You have all certainly touched my heart and for that my world has changed. If I may, I would like to send one of my infamous HUGS back to you in return.

Adland has become a common subject with my family these days. I have to laugh when one of my family members casually asks "how are things going in Adland?", as though Adland was my 100 Acre Woods from Winnie the Pooh. I always respond, "Oh, there are many exciting things happening!”
( Hi guys, I promised I wouldn't embarrass you!) I am very blessed with a wonderful family. They are my caches of love that I draw from each day.

Natalie and I just celebrated our 25th Anniversary! We married after knowing each other less than three months. It has been a wild romance too! For those that do not believe in "kiss and tell", you might want to skip this paragraph, because we kiss often. She is my best friend! She is responsible for much of my success at anything I have ever done in the past 25 years. She has been a great Mom and stayed home to home school our children for which I am very grateful. I hope that all of you will get to know her here at Adland one day when she finds the time to sit down.

Then there is my "little buddy". Cheyenne will be celebrating his 18th birthday very soon and I am still trying to figure out how to release this once under my foot, always in my tool box, Samurai!, HALO 3 Spartan Hero, wild dancer, computer expert, pickup shotgun rider, youTube'n movie maker, pianist, camping buddy, daddy hugging animal… into man-hood. It will not be easy, but since we spoke of Winnie the Pooh, I'm sure we will have a continued "great adventure". He is blossoming into quite an entrepreneur! I'm sure you will see him out and about in Adland soon.

My darling little princess Chaylene has grown up too fast. At 11, she is an avid western horse rider, artist, loves to cook and bake, has the greenest thumb of anyone, plays the piano, can crochet or knit anything in a moment's notice, loves to travel anywhere and is quite adventurous. She spreads her beautiful smile and hugs everywhere she goes which is why I keep her near me all the time. :) She loves animals of all kinds and would fill our property up if she could. I am thankful that we share a dream of owning a ranch one day. Because of her, I am learning all about shotguns! :) I really don’t have anything to worry about, because her big brother has picked on her enough that there isn’t a boy alive who would dare mess with her. :)
I have come to believe that I am blessed and highly favored. God has been very good to me and I hope to return the favor by spreading the love and joy that I have come to know very well. Please visit the HUGS AROUND THE WORLD! blog today and send a HUG to the world. Be sure and share it with your friends.
"Work as if you have no money. Love as if you have never been hurt. Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. And live everyday as if it were your last"
To all of you who voted in this election, I salute you. Not for my win, but for thinking enough of your friends to show them you care about them. It is never an easy task here at Adland to place your vote in any of the elections. At those times, I always remember this…
“To the world you may be one person but to one person you may be the world.”
~Taylor Hanson
So, please remember to always go vote in any of the elections for someone who may need to know how special they are. One day they will return the favor.
If you ever need to know where these elections are or for that matter where many of the most popular forums are, just stop by the Unofficial Adland Bulletin Board. It was created to help myself locate all of my favorite forums quickly. It wasn’t long before I was sending new members there and now many long time members use it too. Since I do not receive all notifications, I encourage everyone to visit the Bulletin Board and make sure we have your favorite forum listed. If not, send me the link in a private message so we can share it with everyone.
Conglomerate of places to visit daily, weekly, monthly and anytime: POTW, JP Award, Flying Rhino, Parade of Stars, Hotseat, Angels, Laughter, PHILOXENIA, Making Differences, Prayer Cell, Games, WHAMMY, Poetry, Art, God Winks, Encouragement... manymore. NEW MEMBER START PAGES. Click here to go see What's Happening today. The list will never be complete! But we try!
Thank you Bogdan for linking on the front pages!
Thank you John and Pauline for the marvelous work you do with the POTW. Each week while reading through the POTW congratulatory forum, I can’t help but notice the precious friendships that develop. I wish that everyone will have those experiences to fill their hearts with the warmth of knowing you have a friend. Today, my heart is very warm and I am truly touched by this great act of kindness. I hope you will all pray for each other this year to have peace and joy.
Thank you everyone for being the best friends anyone could ever want.


Be Inspired... again!
Make sure you invite someone to be your friend today.

Well Folks, we hope you have enjoyed this year's POTY forum. Now it is time to show Joe how much we appreciate him. Please invite him to join your list of friends if he isn't already on it.
You dear Joe, have been a faithful supporter of the POTW and to John & I... we want you to enjoy every minute of stardom this award brings, cos' theres no better person we could be honoring today. We love you and thank you for being our friend. Pauline Raina ;-)
Joe, I have the deepest respect and admiration for you my friend. It is an honor for Pauline and I to be presenting you with this year's POTY award. Enjoy your reign as our POTY and King of AdlandPro!
John Sanchez :-)
Love and blessings to all of you from,
John Sanchez and Pauline Raina