
Barb Doyle

1469 Posts
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Re: FREE AD THREAD ~ Jan 6 - Jan 13, 2008 !!!
1/7/2008 4:19:48 PM

Hi Stephen,

Go through the information at our site and see why so many are joining us!

The best gift I can give you.

Peace, Health and Prosperity,
Barb Doyle, Sc.


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1/7/2008 5:43:12 PM

I'm a member of a lot of great forums & communities where you can promote MyLot (paid $17.59 via PayPal (PROOF) recently) & your other programs for free. Some even pay you cash! Take your social networking to a new level today!
AdLandPro (get linked from up to 120,000+ members)
ApSense (send bulletins, add contacts, post blogs, free ad credits)
BeBo (85th most popular English-language website; post photos)
BigDaddyPays ($50 free advertising)
BizPreneur (earn $1 per signup)
CMU7 (Be a marketing guru for free, plus elite 4x7 paying matrix)
DirectMatches (this is one of the H-O-T-T-E-S-T on the net now)!
ElePages (they're placing 10,000 people under existing members)
FaceBook (dozens of great features; 1 cent per ad clicked too)!
Friendster (make lots of friends here; add info to promote yourself)
FriendsWin (earn solid CA$H for participating in a powerful matrix)
Gather ($4 per referral)
HubPages (you can post hubs or write articles and gain exposure)
Kanggie (free premium membership upgrade with only 3 referrals!)
Lazzeo (enter friend runningman72)
Me (earn 50 cents for every $1 your community generates)
MySpace (popular site generates $32 billion in annual revenue)!
MyYearBook (get 100 points per referral & battle people for $)
Ning (setup your own group & page here; join forces with 1000's)!
OJeez (another good one with a fantastic affiliate program)
OrKut (this is Google's masterpiece and ranked high at
ProNepal (this is a forum where you get paid cash to participate)
RotaTrix (all members are entered to win a $1,500 luxury cruise!)
SalesSpider (I've earned $35.71 in revenue with little participation!)
ShareAPic (earn 10% per referral)
uVme (want your share of the $412/second revenue generated?)
Wink (this site is really exploding my social networking exposure!!!)
Xing (very powerful network to gain valuable business contacts!!!)
Yaari (this is a great Indian social networking site open to all people)
Yuwie (earn CA$H for participating at this site) PROOF

Adlandpro is one of my fave sites as the people are fanta-bulous, the networking is great, having a place to share ads and info rocks! For over 20 years now I've been part of a huge T.E.A.M., where "Together Everyone Achieves More." Our dreams and goals are to help as many folks succeed as possible no matter what occupation or biz you are in. I have 3 main blogs or websites, including expertise in blogging, forums, communities, network marketing, social networking, advertising, lead generation, SEO & more. Love connecting with like-minded individuals. Thanks so much, Mark Stephen Hauser of and my main blog
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Ron Dickman

90 Posts
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A Must Have ebook for Your Busines Success
1/7/2008 8:49:16 PM
This eBook will expose: Exactly how you will make money day after day in any business using very simple creative ads and posts! Marketing techniques in this book that you have never seen before You will be taught how to build your business so that you have over 95% activity from your downline To get all the information go to: With this ebook you will get full support, in our Live ON Line Conference Room 4 times a week, every Tuesday and Thursday 3 pm and 9 pm EST.     To YOUR Success     Ron Dickman Rina's " A Sicilian Feast" eCookBook" A Collection of 24 Traditional Homemade Italian Receipes   
To YOUR Success Take Care Ron Dickman
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Re: Everyone Can Make Money Here.
1/8/2008 9:05:26 AM

Please feel free to post your free ads in this thread. I'll start a new one each week. This will help to consolidate posts a lot and get your ads seen even more! Thanks for your help and support. Stephen

P.S. Valerie Clavin also has free ad days. Visit:


Get Paid to Blog, Hang Out. Get Paid for Photos, Videos, Referrals, Visitors. Potential is $10,000 monthly!

The key is referrals (many tips to gain on my blog), plus your group's page views at YuWie!

MoooMoney (discussed on my blog) just paid me $43.95 via Paypal Click here for Proof of Payment ================================================== (view this for more info)

Adlandpro is one of my fave sites as the people are fanta-bulous, the networking is great, having a place to share ads and info rocks! For over 20 years now I've been part of a huge T.E.A.M., where "Together Everyone Achieves More." Our dreams and goals are to help as many folks succeed as possible no matter what occupation or biz you are in. I have 3 main blogs or websites, including expertise in blogging, forums, communities, network marketing, social networking, advertising, lead generation, SEO & more. Love connecting with like-minded individuals. Thanks so much, Mark Stephen Hauser of and my main blog
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Re: FREE AD THREAD ~ Jan 6 - Jan 13, 2008 !!!
1/8/2008 12:45:12 PM

Greetings Stephen,

                            Thank you for allowing our posts here in this wonderful forum. Hope all of you are doing Great in 2008! So, here's mine. 

           By the late 2020's over 40% of all jobs in the US will be directly or indirectly related to the Solar Industry. Many people will pay good money to get education in these fields and will fight hand over tooth to fill these openings.

           But today you can beat all of them on all counts. Your education is brief, concise and free. The J.O.B. is a self-employed opportunity. It is also free. You can build a sales team 5 levels deep, also free. And you can make sales, both personal AND from your team, all completely free, thanks to the power of the Internet.

           I became a sales associate with this company less than two monts ago. I have invested a total of "ZERO"!

           I have three associates below me each in a different state. My Cost? "ZERO"!

           And yesterday, my (free) email announced I have two personal sales. My cost for these sales? "ZERO"! Zero investment, Zero work, except placing a few ads and referring in forums, Zero advertising costs, Zero meetings, travel, missed nights of sleep, and I've made $400.00! All for doing my part to help save the planet.

           Here's the best part. After you make 30 closes, you're paid $500.00 each sale, plus 5% of your customers' and downlines' customers' bills each month for up to 25 years. The 5% however, starts with your very first sale.

           You wanna do the same? Thought so! Become an ecopreneur now and start doing your part to save the planet. Follow my signature below, click on the link at the bottom, read the site, then get back in touch with me. I'm waiting on your call or email. Thank you in advance!

Your Friend,

Benton Middleton, Independant Ecopreneur

Create Your Own Job, Because EVERYBODY'S an expert at something! Don't know how? Get your FREE 10-STEP BLUEPRINT at: Http://
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