
Vessie Hartzog

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Re: Everyone Can Make Money Here.
1/6/2008 1:00:39 PM
Hi Stephen,
 Thank you for inviting me!

Take calls from TV and Radio  infomercials and Build Residual Income.

You don't have to go after friends and family  to sell your opportunity!

     Best Wishes

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Joe Downing

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Re: Everyone Can Make Money Here.
1/6/2008 1:43:44 PM

With this New Year...
take charge of your health!

No matter what business you are passionate about, if you do not have your health or do not feel good about yourself, you will struggle with the most important tool for success... your self!  

Listen to Clark Bartram (Batman) tell you how it can be done!

***((youtube id="7dcRmiwZBJA"))((/youtube))

The Xooma Challenge provides the tools and inspiration needed to get in shape, lose those extra pounds and adopt a healthier lifestyle for the rest of your life.

After my first 7 days and I had lost 15 pounds and 6 inches from my waist.

Doug M.
9 days and I have lost 8 Pounds And Ed has lost 13 Pounds!

Ed and Gina B.
I lost 7 pounds in the first 5 days!

Jac B.
I lost 11.4 lbs. in 4 days.

Lionel R.
My 13 year old son, Evan, used to weigh 289. Within 2 weeks of using the MetaboWize program he has lost 12 lbs.

Eva M

Listen to some audio testimonials here (audios)

Look and feel like the person you really want to be!

Happy New Year!

***ADLAND BULLETIN BOARD*** What is Xtreme X2O? ###Get some X2O and Jerky RADICAL for the TRUTH! Laus Deo! ** HUG DEPARTMENT: Always OPE
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Steven Suchar

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Re: FREE AD THREAD ~ Jan 6 - Jan 13, 2008 !!!
1/6/2008 1:56:06 PM
"Thank You Stephen"

Dear Adland Friend...

I warmly invite you to take a personal tour of THE WIN NETWORK.

I was originally approached by my good friend (Adland's Prayer Warrior) Thomas Richmond. I also, at the time, knew that Crystal Weckerly was promoting THE WIN NETWORK quite heavily too. This enticed me into taking a deeper look into what this program has to offer.

So I enrolled for FREE under Thomas and viewed a live "Wealth 101" seminar. I was totally blown away by the potential of what I saw and heard!

Also, I trusted Crystal's and Thomas' judgement knowing that they would not steer me wrong.

My friend...I invite you to join our team today. Enroll for FREE. Attend a live "Wealth 101" seminar and you be the judge!

This is a 100% NO OBLIGATION commitment on your part...if you feel that this is not a fit for you, simply cancel. There are NO strings attached at all!

You can even promote YOUR business within THE WIN NETWORK for FREE too! Once you view the "Wealth 101" seminar you will see exactly what I am talking about. lol

I look forward to helping you take YOUR business to the next level by using THE WIN NETWORK!

Please click ANY link down in my signature file for more FREE WINing information.

Let's WIN together...your OREO friend Steven. can win CASH prizes just by attending FREE seminars. See you there!!
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Ellen Barns

92 Posts
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Re: FREE AD THREAD ~ Jan 6 - Jan 13, 2008 !!!
1/6/2008 2:16:32 PM
Thank you Stephen for the oportunity!

Would you like $6000 within 90 days with no out of pocket cost to you?


I know you are thinking no way is this possible.


Well give me the chance to prove it to you, come to the site below and take a look.

We help those who can't sponsor or have lost their contacts through failed networks
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Re: FREE AD THREAD ~ Jan 6 - Jan 13, 2008 !!!
1/6/2008 2:21:31 PM

To help you make money by promoting Instant Squeeze Page Generator, I've created a ton of great marketing tools that you can find in the affiliate tool box - so you can get started right away, without worrying about creating emails, banners, etc!

So go there right now and send one of the professional email promotions to everyone you think would want to know about this great tool, and tell them how amazing it really is!

Every person you refer will see the One Time Offer and they'll have the chance to purchase it too. When they purchase the OTO, you make 50% on the sale! just for copying and pasting some of our promotion tools!

Here is URL:

Good Luck,

Douglas R Davis


-- Ghostwriters From the Inside Out How to Find and Hire the Perfect Ghostwriter
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