Thank You, Georgios, for this forum
Thank You, Jo, for Your interest, recipe and question.
Who is Olga Timokhina?
Колядки - small baked products from the fresh rye test with various stuffings ...
Козули - figures from the test, represented pets... The Imagination of national cooks did not know borders. Various was not only the form of pies and a stuffing, but also a dough. And completely not necessarily they prepared on yeast.
1. To pass for the expert on national traditions and unconditionally to win hearts of the senior generation, it is enough to bake of a mix rye and wheat flour (1:1) with addition of any liquid (water, milk, curdled milk, sour cream) fresh pies - those колядки. And after a batch to grease with their kindled oil or oil with sour cream. The rye dough is very pliable and long keeps the form, therefore pies can be not only oval. Try to make their opened, with защипанными edges in the form of a box or simply polygonal. Stuffings steal up various:
Mashed potatoes + a boiled egg + a butter Millet, pearl-barley or a buckwheat cereal + a butter carrots + sugar + a lemon juice Cheese or brynza + a crude egg + a boiled egg + fresh greens (a parsley, fennel or a celery) The mushrooms fried on a butter and onions + sour cream + fresh greens (fennel or a parsley) Boiled mushrooms + meat smoked products + the browned onions + a crude egg + a fresh parsley + breadcrumbs (for a fastening of a stuffing). Submit колядки to a broth or vegetable soup. Also do not forget to think up to them or to recollect any history (all the same Christmas!) - even that the word "колядки", probably, occurs from latin calendae - " the first day of month ".