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Have You Heard of Conversion Ninja?
1/4/2008 9:47:23 AM

Would you like to know what I use to
create easy, single question survey
pages on my sites...

These mini cash boosters then tie
prospects into my autoresponder

... And because this covert software
helps me literally read the minds of my
site visitors

... Conversion rates go through the roof

It even lets me show visitors the sales
page that I *know* will convince them to
order *now* rather than later...

if you consider what this powerful tool
can do for you then you'll probably be
SHOCKED at the price

Click that link and take the first step
in becoming a black belt Conversion Ninja

Why it Matters
= = = = = = = =

Okay I know you already know this, but
for anyone not to familiar with the art
of conversion rates, and why they're so
vital to your business, here goes...

let's say you sell a $20 ebook

and right now 1 person out of every 100 buys it

if you get 100 visitors a week to your site

you make $20


Now let's say put Conversion Ninja to work
for you.

Not only do you get to capture more leads
(that you can turn into customers later)

but you can also show them a sales page you
know will hit their 'hot buttons'

If this personalisation ups your conversion
rate from 1% to 2% (not a lot, and in my own
tests I've seen CRs go from 1% to 4 - 6% with
just a little tweaking)

it means you would make an extra $1040.00 in
sales AND *DOUBLE* your customer base (think
more sales etc) this coming year!

On just that one web page

Now factor in multiple sites, more traffic
etc. and you can see why "Conversion Ninja"
could make your THOUSANDS more in profits
this year...

And what I've covered so far is just the
tip of the iceberg when it comes to this
powerpacked software

get the rest of the story here:

To Your Success

Douglas R Davis

-- Ghostwriters From the Inside Out How to Find and Hire the Perfect Ghostwriter

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