Hi Everyone,
Today is the day that things change for the F5M Marketing Group. We are going to see something today that is going ot literally change the financial futures of all our members.
For those of you that are skeptical, I totally understand but I am offering you a chamce to listen in and see what is going to happen, no obligation other than your time.
There are many skeptics on the Internet, I know, I was one of them. Being burned by programs that shut down on me or ran off with my money etc. We have all seen it but F5M has a 15 year offline track record and a 10 year online track record. I deal with the owner everyday and he pays daily like clockwork.
That is what you do not see. Participation of ownership with the downlines. You normally only see them in conference calls and then they are gone.
Rick Mathews is a much different owner as he takes the time to communicate and participate with his members.
Today, he is going to give a guarantee to anyone joining his program that they will make money. No owner has ever done this before and I don't think ever will.
Over night we grew by many and our team growth is expected to triple this month putting many members into near fulltime incomes and many more with money in their pockets.
Now is the time to really take a serious look at this group as we will be a power team in 2008.
Come and join us today for our huge announcement. just go to http://www.fortune5minutes.com/?id=4005 and click on the red button in the yellow box.
See you there,