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Venerina Conti

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Happy New Year
1/2/2008 11:02:35 AM

Dear friends,


Finally, as per every year, life returns to some form of normality today after a hectic last three weeks.  I hope everyone had a fantastic new year ... and I wish you all everything you wish for yourselves and more for 2008.  May it be your year!!!




On Thursday 27th December, Host Coach Steve Toth and myself Co-Host Drª Venerina Conti broadcast a special holiday season show of the International Mind, Body and Soul Show on Real Coaching Radio.  


The topic of conversation was the festive season.


One of the points raised was how Christmas, having lost its true meaning nowadays, has become an extraordinarily beneficial time for trade and commerce as people try to outspend each other.  It is the one time of year when people will often get themselves into so much debt, they might pass the next 6 months to a year paying that debt off. 


With starvation reaching all times highs in the world, have you ever stopped to think about just how much money is overspent “haphazardly” at Christmas and New Year? How much of that is on food?  And, out of all that purchased food, how much is thrown away?  How much is actually wasted? Have you ever stopped to wonder how many billions of tons of food are wasted every year over the three day period of Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day?


Real Coaching Radio is launching a campaign to combat hunger.  Find out how by tuning into our show and check out the information on our website:


Another holiday favourite that was mentioned during the conversation was stress.  People stress themselves out in so many different ways over Christmas and New Year because they feel so many diverse types of pressures coming at them from all around.  There’s the pressure to be something someone’s not; there’s the pressure to live up to others’ expectations; there’s the pressure of acceptance, compliance and so forth and so on.  Of course, for some, this time of year may be when they feel the pressure of being most alone in the world with no-one to share with.


Why should we work ourselves up into such a frenzy for the sake of a couple of days a year? 


Stress is one of the biggest causes of all kinds of depressions at this time of year.  It can even reach levels that prove dangerous for the body.  Stress can be a killer.  So, how can you beat the holidays blues?  The stress? The sadness?  How can you be less alone at this time of year?


Christmas is meant to be a time of compassion, love and brotherhood; a time when kindness, smiles, warmth and hugs should be abundant.  But why should this one day a year be the excuse people need to remember to employ these qualities.  Or do they employ them?


It seems to me that … we’ve forgotten something very valuable along the way.


Have a peaceful, joyous and love filled New Year and may these feelings persist throughout the whole of 2008.






Joyce Parker Hyde

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Re: Happy New Year
1/2/2008 11:12:23 AM
Should I ever get to Villa Val View- I might never leave!
Of course you are right that the waste is appalling.The worst example I personally experienced was a young mother who ordered in a Christmas tree on the 24th and got it out of there two days later-zip-zap-zoom-gone!
I no longer celebrate holidays mostly for the resons you mentioned. I have such wonderful memories of my childhood holidays and these watered down versions just don't cut it.
There was never any waste of food-everyone went home with covered containers to feed this one that one or the other.
I sure hope this gimme gimme generation wears itself out soon!
Happy Holidays-anyway:)
Nick Sym

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Re: Happy New Year
1/3/2008 1:51:27 AM
Dear Venerina !

Please let the Angel of New Beginnings open the door to your heart and let the cleansing rays of hope fill you with happiness !

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Jo Matthias

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Re: Happy New Year
1/4/2008 12:24:44 PM

Hello Venerina,

Wonderful message..

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