Due to the thousands of requests from what still is, a global pro-active audience, our public relations team went forward and created what is now TGAMM FM RADIO. TGAMM - FM is the acronym for: T he G reat A merican M usic M achine F ree M usic Radio
After five months of research, contacts were made with global business persons, as well as professional marketing teams, to provide you with what is now TGAMM FM - All Request Internet Radio. Keep in mind that TGAMM was created entirely for you to enjoy and to participate in. Our staff looks foward to your feedback about how TGAMM FM RADIO can continue to be of service. Here's is something else we need you to know that we trust you will find exciting. Many businesses that have computers are grabing our radio player, tuning into TGAMM and playing the station over their loud speakers. Plus, many of our audience members have assisted others to download our radio player, so they too can play TGAMM in their stores, offices, places of employment and even in schools and colleges. TGAMM is finding its way into every home and business on the planet. Your support has been overwhelming this past year, thank you ! In gratitude we remain, The Staff at TAGMM FM RADIO The Great American Music Machine A Subsidiary of American Media International