Dear Jean Marie,
Thank you for your marvelous post. I cannot add a single thing. To you I say......
Yet, sadly I must say, cures have already been found for cancer, yet have been snuffed by the pharmaceutical companies, the FDA, and our government, one of the reasons being the cost of jobs. If people are actually cured, how will the medical profession continue to make money?
Doctors today "treat" you. They do not "cure" you.
I could go into a complete dissertation as to what a travesty the medical profession is. And in this I include insurance companies. Our elderly suffer the most, as they are the most widely exploited.
A couple of years ago, when I was not aware of natural healing, my partner, John Elliott, either posted or wrote an article about the dangers of mammograms and how sunlight was the best thing for preventing and curing cancer.
Women rose up to defend the cancer saving qualities of mammograms and at the time I agreed with them.
After two years in the natural healing field, I will say that John was right. Of course, not electing to take annual mammograms entails a complete health regime. A complete healthy diet, no sugar, exercise, proper supplements, and you must never waver. There are indeed ways that you can prevent from ever getting cancer. However, it entails giving up a lot of that comfort food, junk food, and taking the proper supplements. And it also entails giving up a sedentary lifestyle. And for goodness sakes! Throw out your microwaves! That is one of the biggest cancer causers there is.
The way to prevent cancer is to keep your body with a perfect ph level, perfectly alkalined. Disease cannot exist in a perfectly alkalined body. Cancer cannot exist in a perfectly alkalined body.
There are so many medical travesties, I would write a book if I continue.