My Dearest Branka,
This Holiday Season is most magical. We are together again. I wish that this New Year be a beautiful one filled with love.
As for your acceptance to my invitation, my heart is filled with joy. Thank you.
As for your weight gain..... Not to worry. You can get it off, but it does involve some discipline. If you are going through an emotional time and are doing some emotional comfort eating, of which I am very familiar with... LOL, first the emotions and the source must be dealt with.
Otherwise, it is very simple. Exercise every day, say 20 minutes, but start with only what is comfortable for you. And you must consider the exercise that you pick fun.
Eat mostly raw foods, a little bit of meat. If you desire sweets, do not deny yourself, but just give yourself a little bit. DO NOT USE SWEETENERS. They are poison to your system. Stevia and Lo Han are the only safe sweeteners and can be found in Health Food Stores. Of course.... No sodas.... Ever. They are poison to your liver. One day a week fast, eating grapes and water only.
Hmmm.... Have I forgotten something? If I have I will let you know. And the recipes from AICR are fantastic. I will be posting more and more recipes. My hobby is trying new recipes.
I have been in the position where I was very overweight and with this regimen the pounds did come off rather quickly. Of course, our choice of foods and how we eat must be a way of life. This is most difficult for me during emotional times. And then a friend of mine bought me a beautiful box of chocolates for Christmas. LOL
The most important of all is to love oneself at all times for who and what we are.
My dear Branka, we start a brand new year together and with our friends. I look out the window and I see magic.

I love you my cherished friend,