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Lydia Fokina

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Re: What Christmas without a guessing...
12/26/2007 3:09:08 PM

O Christmas tree!

* Ёлочка *

Новогодняя Ёлочка, пушистая красавица наша,
 Сколько же ты радости и счастья даришь людям!
 Ведь не шарами, а мечтами ты украшена,
 Да надеждами на лучшее и негасимой верой в чудо!


Nick Mys

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Re: What Christmas without a guessing...
12/28/2007 11:29:22 AM

Christmas Story... 

Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: What Christmas without a guessing...
12/28/2007 12:06:57 PM
Russia Is Increrdible!

You celebrate Christmas adn New Year twice. One with all us the others ond once only by yourselfs.

Make ypour dreams like this


I will be back soon.
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Lydia Fokina

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Re: What Christmas without a guessing...
12/28/2007 1:33:04 PM

You are right, Georgios!

Listen, there far-is far there is a ground
There New Year, you will not believe
There New Year two times a year

It sits down by it
It takes it for shoulders
And a freakish pattern
Will begin to sparkle its speeches

Listen, there far-is far there is a ground
There New Year, you will not believe
There New Year two times a year
. Here
There the snow, there is so much snow
That if I there would not be
I would not believe, that there are so much snows
That the ground does not see the sky
And to stars not видать from tops
As in the middle of fires evening and hooters of machines
The silent spark of my soul rushes

Silently, silently, it is silent there Нью York speaks with Moscow
Moscow, Moscow, take away me home
Долгою упрямою in the line
The road under me runs
Still slightly also we shall say goodbye to the ground
And to it swears, that will return
I shall tell lies, so from a place I shall not descend. Says lies. Will descend
In the middle of fires evening and hooters of machines
The silent spark of my soul rushes

In the middle of fires evening and hooters of machines
The silent spark its showers rushes

What nonsense, the right to trust its words
Instead of to believe a sin
To that which is more cheerful and светлее than all of them
It is silent and smiles to it
To what comes back

In the middle of fires evening and hooters of machines
The silent spark its showers rushes

In the middle of fires evening and hooters of machines
The silent spark of my soul rushes

In the middle of fires evening and hooters of machines
The silent spark of my soul rushes

Silent spark of my soul


