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WOW! Now a NEW WAY To Explode Your Current Busi...
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Re: WOW! Now a NEW WAY To Explode Your Current Business!
6/22/2008 5:45:45 AM
Hey There Adlanders,
I checked out a new program that hit the net
recently, liked what I saw and got on board.
Now, as of 12/18/2007 It has become a Powerful
Promotional Tool For Your Current Money Making
It's called Lawn Chair Millionaire
You've likely seen it already BUT are YOU
earning income from it's Multiple Sources?
I am and I will say this: I AM IMPRESSED!
There are multiple ways to make money at this
site and EVERYONE that joins starts making
money the very first day. No Exceptions!
Take advantage of the payplan.
Here are some quick observations:
First, it has a great name for marketing!
What's in a name?
It gives a strong message about this site
and that is that you can join and get a share
of the revenue without promoting.
That is true.
You do get a share of the revenue pool.
I have my site open now and I'm getting
$19.56 back so far as our part of the
revenue pool and I would get that whether
I promote or not.
So can you.
I never recommend that you sit back without
promoting a site because obviously you are
never going to make a lot of money doing that!
Making real money is going to take advertising
and helping others find the great bennefits that
are available here. Don't go into this thinking
you've just won the lottery ticket because that
is just plain silly. No business works that way.
That is true at any opportunity not just this one.
Now if you just want to take advantage of the
great offers available, then it is still a great
BUT ... If you want to make some serious money
online, there is plenty of money to be made at this
site if you do promote it.
I have had my site open for a short while and in just
the first 3 days I had earned several hundred dollars.
And the best part is that a large portion of what you
make is residual income. That's income that comes to
you without doing any additional work ... just sitting
in your lawn chair or your beach chair or travelling
the globe!
Now, I never recommend going into any program just
because there is money to be made in them.
That is part of it, of course, but you should
have products and or services that offer genuine
value to the end user. Wow, you sure have that here.
Another important point... YOU do not have to promote
and make money by selling the Lawn Chair program itself.
There is a money making system in the back area
of the site that I suggest you take a careful
look at when you join. It is called "The Vault" and
you can read about it in the members area. This
may not be for everyone but it certainly is an
interesting way to make money and I urge you
to read the FAQ on the vault and see if it is
for you.
The vault has more money in it than even the
promotion of the Lawn Chair itself so you
really can join and not promote and still make
a huge amount of money if you join and utilize
the treasures in the vault. You will see the
proof in there when you join.
Now here is another part that really interests me.
I stuck my head into the Business section of the
members area and it has an autoreponder with
leads available to you.
You can use this to BUILD YOUR LIST.
Well Lawn Chair Millionaire lets you do just
that and mail to them legally with an autoresponder
with this system that they have made dead easy.
You can choose to get leads delivered once
to you or every 7 days or every 14, 21 or 28
If you don't already use an autoresponder,
take a good look at the Lawn Chair one .
I particularly like the flexibility they
give you in your leads purchase so this is
good for newbies as well as heavy hitters.
So here's the bottom line on Lawn Chair.
I like it.
It gives lazy people a way to make a small
amount of money and that's fair. It also gives
everyone tremendous value in the Vault.
It gives those who want to take this for a RIDE
a way to make a lot of money fast and build a
long term monthly RESIDUAL income. That should
be your goal online. When your RESIDUAL income is
high enough you just sit back in your Lawnchair
and enjoy life.
At 5% return on invested money, you'd have to
have $2,400,000 in the bank to give you a
$10,000 per month income. Build your monthly
Don't moan later when you get in and realize how
much you've missed by procrastinating. Get started
now... there are millions who could benefit from
this program. Help them experience it and your
life will be blessed forever!
Really! Do it... You deserve it!
To Your True Success,
Jason Lamure
PS: WOW! BIG NEWS as of 12/18/2007 ... we have
just added an invaluable addition to The Vault
that you can take advantage of right now! Log into
the Members site and go to the Administration
section in the main menu. You will see a new item
there called the "Vault Manager".
This exciting new feature allows YOU to add any
systems or programs you'd like to The Vault. This
means your personally referred Lawn Chair Millionaire
members will now have the opportunity to get involved
in your other preferred programs.... adding yet
another stream of income for you!
Lawnchair Millionaire and have an additional source
of powerful promotion.
Losing Your Pants In MLM? If Your Upline Isn't Showing You How to Get 30 Leads / Day, I Can!
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