
Jason Lamure

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Here's How I Earned $439.56 In Less Than 5 Days!
12/19/2007 8:09:55 AM
Hi Folks,

Jason here with a quick update....

Lawn Chair Millionaire is without a doubt the fastest
growing site I've ever promoted.

My Lawn Chair Millionaire web site enrolled another
2 sign ups for me overnight. 

If you need any help with Internet Marketing
or marketing at Adlandpro feel free to contact
me anytime.

Jason Lamure

PS: I joined this program only 6 days ago and they are
already sending me $439.56 on my new Debit card!

No Selling - No Promoting - Not MLM!

Do Nothing and The Pool Pays You Today!

Payouts Your First Day.

This is VERY BIG

Act NOW!

PS: Here's the EASY way to get 3 - 5 sign ups a week
for any affiliate or MLM link:


Jason Lamure

Phone: 1-613-673-4828

Web: ==>> Services:

Automated Search Engine Marketing
Free Banner Exchange
You Get 1000 Free Banner Impressions
Complete SEO and Ranking Tools
Instant Traffic Service
Guaranteed Top 10 Inclusion Ads
Free Affiliate Program
Losing Your Pants In MLM? If Your Upline Isn't Showing You How to Get 30 Leads / Day, I Can!
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Re: Here's How I Earned $439.56 In Less Than 5 Days!
12/19/2007 11:27:07 PM

Hey Jason, I've heard some negative comments about being a couch potato before, but if I can be a lawnchair potato and make millions, I'm in. Stephen

Adlandpro is one of my fave sites as the people are fanta-bulous, the networking is great, having a place to share ads and info rocks! For over 20 years now I've been part of a huge T.E.A.M., where "Together Everyone Achieves More." Our dreams and goals are to help as many folks succeed as possible no matter what occupation or biz you are in. I have 3 main blogs or websites, including expertise in blogging, forums, communities, network marketing, social networking, advertising, lead generation, SEO & more. Love connecting with like-minded individuals. Thanks so much, Mark Stephen Hauser of and my main blog
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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: Here's How I Earned $439.56 In Less Than 5 Days!
12/20/2007 12:43:33 PM
Oh on the first link at Jason's forum he deleted where I put actual questions and answers on the Lawnchair FAQ page, I'll be back and post them here.  The other 2 forum links up there are full of info.
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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: Here's How I Earned $439.56 In Less Than 5 Days!
12/20/2007 12:54:48 PM

Here are 3 actual questions and answers from the FAQ page of Lawnchair Millionaire.  After each of those I put my opinions in parenthesis.

Q. How is the value of my shares calculated?

A. We have developed a private algorithm that determines the value of your shares based on two criteria.

1. How long it takes you to join from the time you enrolled to learn more about Lawn Chair Millionaire

2. How many people enroll below you in the Moneyline on the same day after your position is locked in.

(My opinion:  Why is it a "private" algorithm?  It's solely based on us joining quickly and getting other people to join quickly.  There's too much that's private and quick about this.)


Q. If I never promote Lawn Chair Millionaire to others will that affect my membership?

A. Not at all. Promoting Lawn Chair Millionaire to others simply offers an optional income source that you can choose to take advantage of. It is not uncommon for members to just focus on making tons of money from The Vault.

(My opinion: If you don't promote but you still somehow earn commissions from their no-recruiting system, you'll need to PAY $40 for a debit card so you can receive your money.  So their "no-promoting-necessary" will COST YOU money, as much as $40 that they don't tell you about anywhere on their site.)


Q. If I join and later change my mind does Lawn Chair Millionaire offer a money back guarantee??

A. Yes! You can cancel your membership at any time within the first 30 days and receive a no questions asked 100% refund of the monthly subscription fee upon request.

(Really, you'll only get back the $29.99 subscription fee, you'll LOSE the $49.99 set-up fee, and possibly lose as much as $40 for a debit card, so you could LOSE a potential of $89.99.  That's MORE than the joining price of $79.98.  You could actually end up losing $10 more than you thought it would cost to join.)


LawnChairMillionaire has 6 pages where THEY COULD HAVE TOLD YOU you'd need to pay as much as $40 for a debit card, but they don't mention it at all until they have your $79.98.  We shouldn't need to pay to get paid, they don't offer any other method of paying us.   Members are being forced to pay for a debit card that they had no option about, there are no other options on how to be paid.


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