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Re: Why am I not getting orders from my website?
9/26/2005 11:47:44 AM
Hi John & Barbara: I don't know much about network marketing, so I'll completely defer to Kenneth when it comes to discussing the NWM aspect of your business. But, one thing I do know is how to make profit online. I've been a profit consultant since the late seventies. Carl was kind of right -- it is about communication. But, you can communicate quite well online, too, if you learn how. So, in that light, I thought I'd mention a few things that might help. 1) The main page text needs to be changed. The story you have on your about page is your selling/profit point. Paired with some of what's on the testimonials page, that's the strongest copy you could have. The products you are selling WORKED FOR YOU. (and others) Right now, many people will never see or know that, because they won't go past the main page. While the copy on the main page is informational, it isn't personal, and it won't sell anyone anything. So... imagine cooking up a stew of some of the content from the other pages. Take a snippet of your story. Start with that. Underneath it, in small text make a link that says (more about us...) Then add the number one product you focus on. Give a little highlight of it. Add a buy button and a "more info" link. If you could add a photo of you holding a bottle of the product, that would be excellent! Under that, add a testimonial or two. Or, better still, if you have the html savvy to do it, add the testimonials along the right side so that people can see them when reading the main copy. Don't make the page so long that you lose people's interest. Tell them your story, from the heart. Assure them that you're selling this because it's made a positive impact on your health. tell them them health problems you had before that are gone now. Then invite them to try it. 2) Give a review of each product. Include a testimonial if you can, and the order buttons. 3) Move your Google search. It's the first thing I see when I load the page. Either put it at the bottom of the page or remove it entirely. Your site isn't big enough to need a search, and it just detracts from the products you're selling. 4) Also, make your copy simpler. As Stephen King says, for true power, use no more words than necessary. For example, when I click the products page, the first thing I see is; To become a member of Goldshield Elite you simply need to commit to a 30 point monthly order ( that's 2 products - or 1 large family bottle where appropriate, which works out about £30/$40 per month ). That's it. Well, heck, I don't know WHY I'd want to be a Goldshield Elite member, and I certainly don't know what a 30 point monthly order is. If I stop reading right there, you lose me. Instead why not say; If you order just 2 products a month (or one family size bottle) you get.... (whatever the benefits of GS Elite is..) Here's what I think you should do. A) Go to the website design forum and ask Peter for a review of your site. If you have a little bit of budget, I'm sure he'd help you tidy up the site. B) Then, come back here and ask Kenneth to help you with how you're advertising the NWM site. Show him the ads you are using. (as he asked, by private message) I'm sure he knows, better than the rest of us, what works in the NWM arena and can look at your ads and offer you excellent advice. I suspect he can probably steer you towards where to advertise, too. That's why he's the NWM expert. But, I think you need a website expert first. When your site operates like a mean machine, then Kenneth is the guy you need to direct you on how to grow a NWM business. : ) Good luck! Linda You can find the website forum here; And mine is here;
Re: Why am I not getting orders from my website?
9/26/2005 4:22:29 PM
You have all provided excellent advice (kudos to Linda, Kenneth, Carl & Benjamin). The quality of your advice is precisely the reason why I stay in Adlandpro. Amazing. I could use a lot of your tips myself. Thank you all.
Cheri Merz

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Re: Why am I not getting orders from my website?
9/27/2005 10:04:28 PM
Thanks for this excellent topic! I'm bookmarking this thread...looks like marketing course in a nutshell. Thanks to both experts for elaborating on the subject(s). Cheri
Crystal Barker

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Re: Why am I not getting orders from my website?
10/15/2005 2:24:27 PM
Hello, I do not know if this will be of some help, but offering something Free, has always worked for me, there are lots of things that you can offer to get more customers, like a free vacation voucher. Crystal
Crystal Barker Littlerates Telecom 815-630-5358
John Dawson

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Re: Why am I not getting orders from my website?
10/16/2005 10:59:52 AM
Hi everybody, especially to Linda and Kenneth. It's good to have constructive critisism as we are still learning. We will carry out the suggestions and keep you all advised on progress. Many thanks, John & Barbara
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