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Sarah Pritchard

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What does Christmas mean to you and Les Enfants Oublies?
12/17/2007 4:51:59 AM
Bonjour folks! I have revived this forum thread because it is very appropriate with what I have been doing recently and dedicating my time to. If you go to page 11 you will see where I have restarted the thread or click here:

Bonjour and yes, I am going to say it:

I am a Christian although I can't find a religion or church that I fit in or that fits me.

I believe that Jesus was a real person and I celebrate his birth.

The date of his birth is not important to me, but the fact that he was born, lived and showed us the way is important.

For me, Christmas is a time of accentuating togetherness, sharing, caring, and loving, whether one is a Christian or not.

I believe that all people that believe in God believe in the same creator being. He is given different names, but he is one.

The history of religions is fascinating to me and I used to be a Religious Studies teacher. Christianity was a transformation, interpretation, development of the original roots of "religion." But I digress from what I wanted to say.

I shy away from commercial Christmas. I give my children some small presents as a token gesture. We have a family traditional meal. I've just been out to buy the Turkey. Isabelle helped me make mince pies yesterday, ready for our Christmas evening in our village church tomorrow.

Here's a photo I took a couple of Christmas's ago.

These are my babies. I give thanks for my beautiful children.
Yes, I know, I know, I'm biassed, but you have to let me be the proud mummy especially at Christmas when there is so much love about.

This brings me to the second part of this message, les enfants oubliés (the forgotten children). With so much love being shared please remember the forgotten children in the world.

Les enfants oubliés traînent dans les rues
Sans bruit et au hasard
Ils ont froid, ils ont faim, ils sont presque nus
Et leurs yeux sont remplis de brouillard

Comme une volée de pauvres moineaux
Ils ont pour rêver le bord des ruisseaux
Recroquevillés, sous le vent d'hiver
Dans leur pull-over de laine mitée

Ils ont pour s'aimer d'un naïf amour
La fragilité des mots de velour
Ils ont pour palais tout un univers
Dans les courants d'air des vastes cités

Les enfants oubliés, traînent dans les rues
Tout comme de petits vieux
Ils ont froid, ils ont faim, ils sont presque nus
Mais ce sont les enfants du Bon Dieu
Oui, ce sont les enfants du Bon Dieu

A song written by Louis Amade and Gilbert Bécaud.

I translated it below for you.

The Forgotten Children

Theforgotten children hang about in the streets

Silentlyand haphazardly

They arecold, they are hungry, they are scantily dressed

And theireyes are glazed

Like aflock of poor sparrows

They sleepin the gutters

Huddled upin the winter wind

In their moth-eatenpullovers

Theirs isan innocent love and the love they receive

Is made upof feeble, velvety words

Theirpalace is a whole universe

In thevast, draughty cities

Theforgotten children hang about in the streets

Just likelittle old people

They arecold, they are hungry, they are scantily dressed

But theyare God’s children

Yes, theyare the Dear Lord’s children

God bless them all.

I believe if we give them our thoughts, even for just a minute, send some love and warmth, then something positive can happen in their lives.

I am one of the organizers of our Christmas evening in Plaigne village church. We have an evening in French and English.

We're doing a sketch, songs, prayers and finishing with mulled wine and mince pies. It's an evening of sharing and community spirit, a coming together of two cultures.

The other two organizers are French Roman Catholic and we don't share the same views on Christianity, but we get together each year to do this Christmas evening and it usually works well.

Some of my children and other children from the village are taking part in the sketch and Demelza, Verity, Raymonde & Isabelle (my girls) and Alys & Millie have all been practising with me to sing Away in a Manger (Au fond de l'étable) in English and French.

During the prayer time I'm going to read out the words of Les Enfants Oubliés in French and then my translation. I will ask everyone to join me in focussing their thoughts on all the forgotten children in the world.

I ask the angels to protect, support and comfort these darlings of God.

Angel cuddles,

ps You may have realised that I have discovered my mission and it is to help our unfortunate children on Mother Earth. They are 'our' children because we all share the responsibility of taking care of God's creation.

I hope that doesn't sound too heavy.

Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
Peter Fogel

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Re: What does Christmas mean to you and Les Enfants Oublies?
12/17/2007 5:20:42 AM

Hi Sarah,

I loved your description of Christmas spirit as you see and understand it. I can't agree more the holiday season is one that should be considered "family time" and celebrated accordingly.

Family unity, traditions and individual celebrations are what create an atmosphere of togetherness that stays with each family member all their lives, never to be forgotten.

I remember as a child that Chanukkah, Christmas and then the New Year Celebrations all became a season of joy for one and all regardless of their faith or religious beliefs.

I personally would love to see us return to those days when it was acceptable to plaster MERRY CHRISTMAS all over the place.

I think we should all go one step further about the forgotten children and not only think about them but to lend a helping hand each of us in our own way.

Loved the picture of your kids (there are a few missing :) )??!! And you aren't biased you have beautiful "babies".



Peter Fogel
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Joe Downing

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Re: What does Christmas mean to you and Les Enfants Oublies?
12/17/2007 6:56:30 AM

Hello Sarah,

Merry Christmas to you too!  I don't follow to close with all the polictical correctness and have never stopped celebrating the holidays with my family's traditions.  Life is so much more enjoyable that way! 

What a gorgeous family you have!  Yes, Christmas time is especially a time to be together.  To create joy and help each other feel loved and special is important.  The gifting is not a big part of our celebration.  When I was a child, we only received needed clothing and items of such.  I look forward to all the caroling, giving annonymous gifts to those less fortunate, little get together parties, the lights, the remembrance of how it all began, ah there are so many things about Christmas that excites me. 

Yes, let us do not forget the orphans!  They need to know they are not forgotten and that love is!

Thank you for the angel cuddles,

Merry Christmas to yours,

HUGs are always wrapped warmly!

PS:  Don't forget to visit all the Christmas forums listed on the Bulletin Board below.

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Re: What does Christmas mean to you and Les Enfants Oublies?
12/17/2007 8:47:29 AM

Silver and and gold I have not. But that which I have, I freely give. Love and the best Christmas wishes I send to you my friend. May your life be filled with love, joy, lasting friendships and peace, for these are the things that really matter. No matter how dark the day, take time to reflect and give thanks for that which you do have this holiday season, because there are so many who have so much less and it is at this time of year that want is most keenly felt. May blessings be upon you and yours this holiday season and please - HAVE A GREAT DAY!

Christmas shall always be a celebration of the birth of our Savior - Jesus Christ for me. Whether politically correct or not, this shall not cease with me. It is from this fundamental truth that all current views of the holiday season come. Without this fundamental truth of the birth of our Savior, no holiday would exist in whatever form one chooses to celebrate. It is even this fundamental truth that causes some to wish to escape. But in the end, the birth of Christ remains, without ceasing and without change. The exact date of his birth is of no consequence or importance. The fact that it happened is.Once we loose this, we loose the very essence and meaning of the season. We in this modern age rush to erase the name of Christ from Christmas everywhere, yet we are to blind to see the damage we do to ourselves and all of humanity in the process.

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Lyndell (Jerry) Miller
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the "Hillbilly Gardener"
Sarah Pritchard

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Re: What does Christmas mean to you and Les Enfants Oublies?
12/17/2007 10:44:16 AM
Dear Peter,

I came back to edit my post as I'd been in a hurry this morning and couldn't finish it. I found that three gentlemen had already visited (before I'd even finished the post).

Not bad.

I hope you are three wise men!!!!

Thanks for coming by.

I totally agree with you about going further and physically helping these children. I do, but I won't go into that here. In the additions to my original message you can see that I'm asking the people at our church Christmas evening to join me in sending our thoughts and love to the forgotten children.

I sincerely believe in the power of such thought and prayer.

Shalom & Angel cuddles,


Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs

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