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Just What Does Your Business Opportunity Guarantee Others???
12/15/2007 1:54:11 PM
What does your Business Op Guarantee anyone who Becomes involved? What is the Total Out-of-Pocket Cost to make your Business Op Work for anyone who Becomes involved? Does your Business Op offer a Money-Back Guarantee? Does Your Business Op offer FREE Website(s)? Does Your Business Op offer ANYTHING ABSOLUTELY FREE of ANY CHARGE, whether someone Joins or not? And Can it SAVE or EARN them Money?
Blessed 2ba Blessing, Nehemiah Thomas, Our FREE CAP Card has Saved our Cardholders $450,000,000.00+
Re: Just What Does Your Business Opportunity Guarantee Others???
12/15/2007 1:59:37 PM
My Business (UNITED CONSUMERS ASSOCIATION [UCA]) Offers YOU the Following:

  • For ONLY $24.95 Monthly  (w/ a one-time non-refundable $30.00 Application fee), YOUR ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD can have a Fully DISCOUNTED Dental, Vision (including Laser/Lasix), Hearing & Health Care Package. Pet & Vet Care/Supplies Included. This comes with a 60-day MONEY BACK GUARANTEE.

  • For ONLY $49.00 YEARLY, You can Own Your Own Business, with 2 FREE Web-sites to Market Memberships and/or Sponsor Reps.

  • For ONLY $29.95 YEARLY (w/ a one-time non-refundable $20.00 Application fee) You can GIVE AWAY FREE Rx Discount Drug Cards, that will earn you $.50 each and every time that they are used (Exp: If one of your cards is used to fill 10 Prescriptions, you would earn $5.00). This also comes with a FREE Web-site.

You do the Math!

1-877-827-2901-Toll Free (about my Business Only)
Blessed 2ba Blessing, Nehemiah Thomas, Our FREE CAP Card has Saved our Cardholders $450,000,000.00+
Jim Allen

11253 Posts
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Re: Just What Does Your Business Opportunity Guarantee Others???
12/15/2007 3:00:09 PM

Just What Does Your Business Opportunity Guarantee Others???

Help is just a click away, my friends.  The best lead is a self generated lead and you are already on the right path.  You just need a few directions to avoid the dead ends.

I suggest that you come visit us at Community Marketing University and let this great platform provide you a roadmap to branding yourself and applying the Laws of Attraction. 

With the proper tools, self branding and guidance on accomplishing this task.  You will have folks seeking you out instead of you searching for them on your own.

CMU7 can be found here Peter Fogel, Al Soini and myself, along with the fine Team Leaders there will be more than happy to assist you in achieving the success you desire and deserve. 

CMU7 compliments any business, MLM, or Network Marketing organization you may be focused on.  Designed purposely not to compete with your current endeavors.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Re: Just What Does Your Business Opportunity Guarantee Others???
12/15/2007 3:27:03 PM
Sending a warm "Hello" and hopes for a great holiday season.  If you are too busy in your life to consider an extra income stream at least consider our NO COST "homeowner"  solution.  Solar is one of the current BOOM industries. Let me break the common myth of "IT's TOO CLOUDY WHERE I LIVE" by sending you a solar map.  An extremely important environmental mission yet an excellent income opportunity. I'm all for becoming wealthy but doing something important with your life should also a major goal for everyone.  Estimated income of $1800 for the average agreement per home.  We also have a division that will strictly be calling on the business community for those that prefer B2B interaction.  We are also looking for solar installers, qualified electricians and franchisee managers.
Team Members:
Training is Free - online test is required 
3 dedicated web sites are Free - two like the ones below
No System purchase - all financial barriers are gone
No Installation Cost - model is simple
No Maintenance - company monitored and you see daily electric output
No Permit hassles - company obtains these 
No Performance worries - performance guarantee and
solar assurance!!!!!
No Rate Increases - ask your utility to offer this for 25 years
Homeowners pay for electricity generated on a flat rate plan which they are already paying for so upgrading to solar won't cost extra and saves thousands as we lock in current rates up to 25 years.  Electric bills can also be further reduced with referrals saving thousands more. Electric rates are predicted to rise 60-120% in the next twenty years.  
Every Home Upgrading to Solar Reduces Tons of Pollutants from the Atmosphere as current electrical production generates more pollution than any other single source.
Please retype sites into new browser window if they don't open or open blank.  Thank you.
interested in solar for your homes
interested in joining as a potential team member
To Your Health,

Steve Hickey
Sales Manager - Ecopreneur
(952) 934-1040
Jose Palomino

242 Posts
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Re: Just What Does Your Business Opportunity Guarantee Others???
12/15/2007 3:37:09 PM
Why other networkers would join you?

It's not the product, It's because you are offering
a solution to their problem and that solution will
only come in two forms:

1: Your knowledge, your leadership, and your
expertise. They will join YOU because YOU can
teach them.

2: You are offering a system which provides
a solution to their current problems, and they
feel they will be successful with it.

Sell yourself. Sell your solution.

You don't need plenty of experience to
make money online.  

Don't get frustrated or upset if you can't get
something to work the first time.  

Once you learn what you're doing on the
Internet, it's allot of fun.
Meeting new people, learning new things,
and most importantly making more money!!

The key is positioning yourself in front of
people as possible. Many will sign up
through your links.

Success can be yours as long as you have
the patience and persistence to ACT on the
steps outlined for you.

I use my spare time to help others to Become A Top 3% Online Earner!.

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