Just What Does Your Business Opportunity Guarantee Others???
Help is just a click away, my friends. The best lead is a self generated lead and you are already on the right path. You just need a few directions to avoid the dead ends.
I suggest that you come visit us at Community Marketing University and let this great platform provide you a roadmap to branding yourself and applying the Laws of Attraction.
With the proper tools, self branding and guidance on accomplishing this task. You will have folks seeking you out instead of you searching for them on your own.
CMU7 can be found here http://ULearn2Earn.net Peter Fogel, Al Soini and myself, along with the fine Team Leaders there will be more than happy to assist you in achieving the success you desire and deserve.
CMU7 compliments any business, MLM, or Network Marketing organization you may be focused on. Designed purposely not to compete with your current endeavors.