
FREE Online Business - No Qualifying - All your tools for free!
12/11/2007 4:28:20 AM
MY POWER MALL (MPM), 5 years in the making, is totally unique.

    *It's not MLM.

    *It's not Network Marketing.

    *It's not an Affiliate program.

    *It simply doesn’t fit any standard business model that most people       use to achieve financial freedom.

Our Founder & CEO, Ginny Dye, spent years working in the MLM industry as a

leader and trainer. She walked away from it in 2002, discouraged by what she

knew to be true – that 97% of the people who join an MLM will fail. She

simply could no longer introduce a company to someone, knowing that most of

them would fail. It bothered her too much to see people who were excited and

committed to changing their lives fail because they were working within a

system that was not created for them to truly succeed.

People are invited to have their own FREE online Power Mall. All they do is

shop and then invite others to have their own FREE Mall. As people shop for

things they are going to buy anyway, everyone receives a % of the shopping



MPM has a primary principle that guides every decision Ginny makes.

Everything has to be Win/Win. It’s only a good decision if it is good for

everyone it impacts. MPM went through several different versions before Ginny

was convinced she had created the model that would ensure success for


Check it out @
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Re: FREE Online Business - No Qualifying - All your tools for free!
12/15/2007 1:55:51 AM
I'm thinking many people looked at this and didn't get it - or we're all just here advertising biz opps and not a single person cares to look at others.  For the 2 folks that DID click and view this - it's possible it was too long or didn't get straight to the point.

So here it is:

Do YOU shop online?

Do YOU earn money and rebates when you do?

Do you want to?

It's really that simple - check it out - this is a direct link to the site to watch a movie and peruse at your convenience.  The link in my signature is a landing page.  You really ought to check this out, there's no gimmicks ( maybe some of us like gimmicks ).  But this is one of those "in it for the long haul" type online home businesses.


Free Online Business My Power Mall Want more traffic? Free Article Submitter Internet Marketing Tips Free eBook
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