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Re: SEO ranking booster! Friends helping friends!
12/11/2007 4:36:59 PM

This is something I haven't heard of before, but willing to try.

Thanks for the great info.


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Re: SEO ranking booster! Friends helping friends!
12/13/2007 6:38:26 AM

Hello Patty,

Great to see you come in.

Yes, these social favourites links are cool. In fact you do not even need to have them on your webpage if you do not wish to. Simply sign into one or more of them of your choice and you have the advantage of saving there-in all of your needed links for if ever you were on another computer due to your travels etc…

So, all I am saying is simply that if you save my webpage, I will do the same to your webpage. This gives a great boost to all of our websites in the search engines and therefore better hits, and better sales. Doing it this way avoids the direct reciprocal linking that is not useful and may even be detrimental if exaggerated. So keep on coming back, and see if you can get more inbound links in this forum from others!

My kind regards to you.




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