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Joelees Wholesale

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Re: JOELEEs Website Evaluation
12/11/2007 8:55:17 AM

Hi Stephen,

Ebay & Amazon huh  ? lol I'm thinking more along the line WalMart-Costco :-)  Thank you my friend for your kind feedback Gods speed :-) Lee

Joelees Wholesale

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Re: JOELEEs Website Evaluation
12/11/2007 9:04:33 AM

Hi Marrius,

Thank you, always a pleasure to hear from our new friends , I most always share our programs,products,projects, designs, est  with our friends here as they are the best at given great feedback and test running the design. Thank you again my friend for your kind comments Gods speed :-) Lee

Joelees Wholesale

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Re: JOELEEs Website Evaluation
12/11/2007 9:05:23 AM

Bro Nick,

Thank You  , :-) Gods speed Lee

Joelees Wholesale

5917 Posts
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Re: JOELEEs Website Evaluation
12/11/2007 9:17:11 AM


Always a pleasure my friend Thank you ,great feedback Gods speed :-) Lee

Joelees Wholesale

5917 Posts
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Re: JOELEEs Website Evaluation
12/11/2007 9:33:32 AM

Hi Beryl,

Always a pleasure to see you my friend Thank you for your kind comments , I have as I promised  returned to your site late lastnight to review more in dept ,you have a great starter design as time goes  by you will be doing a lot of changes daily , As I reviewed your hosting plans I did note to myself "what would I look for if I was going to change my host"  The main information would be what type of server will it be hosted on ? This I could not find listed in your plans or did I miss it ? I will keep reviewing on and off and do my best to send you via adland mail message my thoughts if you like . You have done a great job my friend as always I'm honored to know you as a friend . Gods speed :-) Lee


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