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Rose Enderud

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Arts Exhibition at Adlandpro #22
12/10/2007 7:54:51 AM

It is our pleasure to bring you the

Arts Exhibitions at Adlandpro
An on-line exhibition of work by Artists and Craftsmen at Adlandpro
(A new exhibition every three weeks)

Exhibition No. 22

The creations of Cindy Beck from the animal world

 Cindy has been a member of Adland since August 2007. She is an accomplished equine artist. She also like to do other animals.
If you are not a friend of Cindy's please invite her.

About the Artist

Cindy Beck has been a horse and animal artist for most of her life. First and foremost she is a horse person. For many years she was involved in her own business which involved a boarding stable and pony ride business. In addition she was busy raising her family of four children. She never completely gave up on the art though and it has evolved into a masterful rendering of the equine image as well as wonderful portrayals of other creatures. Now that her life has emptied out considerably she is focusing again on her art and hoping to share her vision with all horse and animal lovers everywhere.

Cindy took art in high school. Otherwise she is self taught. She works in acrylics and pastels mostly. Sometimes useing mixed media. She credits all her time working with the horse closely to her ability to portray the equine form so well. All that time grooming and feeding and riding and just watching gave her an intimate understanding of the form, the movement and the grace these animals display. She would love to hear feedback on her work  gallery shop


   Jenny's site                     Rose's site               Venerina's site

Rose Enderud

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Re: Arts Exhibition at Adlandpro #22
12/10/2007 10:48:35 AM
Hello Everyone,
Cindy thank you so much for letting me share you work with the rest of Adland.
I just got a message that some people are having trouble posting. The system won't let them.
maybe this will help.
Please reply to this if the first post does not co-operate.
Jenny SJ

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Re: Arts Exhibition at Adlandpro #22
12/10/2007 12:59:37 PM
Hi Rose,

Well I am in!!

Cindy - I must add my thanks to Rose's  for such an enjoyable exhibition.

Take Care and enjoy now we seem to be able to see it!

Pauline Raina

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Re: Arts Exhibition at Adlandpro #22
12/10/2007 1:13:11 PM
Good work Rose,

Thank you for doing what you do so that we can enjoy.


Congrats on being featured here, awesome  art this is, the 'ghostly image' is definately one  of my favorites.

Enjoy your time in focus.


Pauline R

Nan Herring

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Re: Arts Exhibition at Adlandpro #22
12/10/2007 1:23:20 PM
Your work is wonderful. Congratulations on being featured.