I to agree we should respect all other faiths. I personally think Christmas has become far too commercialised and the true meaning of Christmas ( Christ`s Mass ), has been forgotten by many people. Because Christmas was brought in at the wrong time of the year and Pagan practises, I personally do not accept the Christmas is a true Christian Teaching as it is no where to be found in the bible or the books that were left out of the Bible. However I do see from where I work with an Aged Care facility, that pre Christmas functions, do bring visitors to the facility and do bring families to visit elder relatives, in the facility, that normally do not visit. If it takes what is really not a true Christian teaching to bring families closer together, then it has to have some positive actions with it. It is often said there are 2 things that always bring families together and they are Christmas and Death of a family member. It is a shame when one things about it that many people only make an effort at times like these and cannot make time more often. Anyway I have said my piece. Keith.