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Beth Binkley

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Re: Join the FREE Zion5 Community and Make Money
12/9/2007 11:23:17 AM

The top 100 members that have the most referrals at the time of launch will automatically get boosted to the top of the uplines ** FOR LIFE **.

That means that the top 100 people will control everything that happens in Zion 5. Referrals, contact lists and downlines.


 0 days 4 hours 54 minutes 23 seconds

9th December 2007

17:00 EST 22:00 London

The community gives you the support
you need to make money and it's FREE!

Bj Burgess

4768 Posts
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Re: Join the FREE Zion5 Community and Make Money
12/10/2007 6:32:17 PM

Join the FREE Zion 5 community
and Make Money online!

Build a list of 1,000's of contacts..
without receiving 1,000's of emails yourself.

Promote your own websites...
and send 1,000's of visitors to your site.

Find out what others think of a website...
without joining and wasting your money.

The community gives you the support
you need to make money and it's FREE!

New Incentive

We've had a tremendous start to Zion 5 with nearly 3,000 verified members in 2 weeks. But to keep the momentum going Zion 5 is setting you another challenge.

Everyday members join Zion 5 through advertising or web searches. These members are not assigned to anyone and sit in the matrix under the next available position.

Zion 5 Community wants

 to give all these "unallocated" members that signup in January to 10 lucky members.

How can you be 1 of the lucky 10?

Simple, starting right now, the 10 people with the most referals at the end of December will get a share of the "unallocated members" in January.

Why do you need to keep referring?

There are 2 reasons really,
1) Every person that you refer will see your website links. Therefore, refer more get more clicks!
2) Build your matrix now and reap the rewards later. Your downline will be used in the future to help you earn money. Put maximum effort in now to earn loads of cash later!

To get started, login and click referring to find out what to do.

Not a member yet? 

Join here


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