Hello Bernd! Thank you for this short article on "Meet The Perfect Stanger". Good trading and economical business is realted to perfect strangers. The ancient Greeks had events and celebrations on good friendship and good trading in form of honoring Zeus Xenius. "Xenios" in Greek means stranger foreigner. Zeus was the protector of the strangers and that to give stimulance to good trading. The strangers were given a place for the night and food. That was the key that Greeks succeed in trading. Here is a song I use to send to good friends. Maybe a bit hard for some friends but remingds my my best years. 
A thousand oceans I have flown, and cold spirits of ice, all my life I
am the echo of your past ....
Can you remember, remember my name ....
I am from the past, living for today to be remembered tomorrow.
Seasonal Greetings from Greece Georgios C. Paraskevopoulos
