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Robert De Merode

669 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Get 2008 started on steroids!!!
12/3/2007 3:56:46 AM

Hello, if you have not looked at this twice, do not loose out!

Better than 80.000 people have signed up here during the pre-launch year in this opportunity.

The “Ad-system” is soon to be on the market. ( soon = within a week/month or so!)

And the buying of this system is offered at 50% during this Christmas period.

There is no need to take my word for all this, I simply propose, urge you to sign-in freely and talk freely to the live reps that are available 24/24. You will decide what to do, thereafter. (No pushing, no hassling, no pressure, simply facts.)

If you have to sell whatever, and need to advertise, do you think it is worthwhile for you to know what are the best results giving advertising companies are?

Obviously, a company that is the top advertiser (for results) will rebate for a group potential of better than 80.000 people.

New members are joining daily, hourly and this means you get your one time ever investment paid back soon, and the affiliate income growth is exponential.   

That is simply what it’s all about. Be paid to advertise with the best results giving advertising company out there!

Absolutely whatever you wish to promote, sell, inform, or find, get 2008 started on steroids!!! J

My kind regards,


Robert De Merode

669 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Person Of The Week
Re: Get 2008 started on steroids!!!
12/11/2007 3:17:42 AM


Visibility is improving as time is coming to pre-launch very soon.

As I post this message the total payout for the trial period has amounted to $ 8,141,500.00

And the number of members is 81,416

That is a $100 average income for all members, and is equal to their initial investment.

The price has gone up ($400) since a couple of months, but at present the amount is set to 50%

What do you think the income will be on average for all when the trial-launch comes to an end in a week or two?

We all know that there is a surge of incoming members when the launch takes place. Get yourself into position!

I urge you to sign-in (that is free and with absolutely no strings) and really have a good look around, call up one of the live execs and put your questions to him.

Have yourself a great season’s greetings and perspectives!

Kind regards, take care,



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