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The Holiday Season and Customers
12/1/2007 7:28:17 AM

The special holiday season is here again and many people in business are looking forward to seeing some good results from their labor - from loyal customers. Likewise, some customers are looking for “Christmas” specials from business owners. But whatever the outcome from personal expectations, the loyalty of clients and customers mean very much for all successful and aspiring business owners. Below is an interesting view on this issue:  

Nine Ways to Increase Customer Loyalty”

“Nine Principles”

By following these basic nine principles and putting them into practice at your organization, you will foster a culture of greater loyalty and engagement that will reward you with greater profits.

  1. Give customers what they expect. Satisfaction is the difference between customer expectations and actual service delivery.
  2. Go beyond simple reward programs. Points and rewards encourage repeat purchases but don't actually build loyalty.
  3. Turn complaints into opportunities.

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Mike TaylorAdvertising/Marketing Associate and General Articles Writer.

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