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Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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PHILOXENIA: BIBLE - The Council Of Nicaea - The Conspiracy
11/30/2007 6:06:39 PM

BIBLE - The Council Of Nicaea

The Conspiracy

 - What Really Happened?

by James Garlow, Ph.D., Senior Pastor of Skyline Wesleyan Church in La Mesa, California and by Peter Jones, Ph. D., Executive Director, Christian Witness in a Pagan Planet.

The Council of Nicaea figures prominently in Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code. Brown's character, Teabing, brings up the subject of the Nicaean Council while teaching Sophie about Jesus:


"Jesus' establishment as the 'Son of God' was officially proposed and voted on by the Council of Nicaea."

"Hold on. You're saying Jesus' divinity was the result of a vote?" "A relatively close vote at that," Teabing added (233).


Councils held to determine important doctrinal matters were not uncommon to the early Christians. We read in Acts 15 how the church leaders came together to decide how Gentiles were to be treated. Councils were important in order to maintain an orthodox faith and prevent the spread of false teaching.


Council of Nicaea Refuted False Teachings


One such false teaching was being spread by Arius in A.D. 318. Arius taught that Jesus was a created being, just like other humans, and not the "begotten Son of God." He was opposed by Alexander, the bishop of Alexandria, who declared Arius a heretic in a local council in A.D. 321. So Arius moved to Palestine and continued his teaching there. If he had kept his ideas to his own followers, there would not have been cause to call a council. But Arius began sending letters to area churches promoting the idea of Jesus as a created being. The debate grew over the next few years, finally gaining the attention of the emperor, Constantine.


Constantine, who had consolidated his hold on the Roman Empire, sought unity in all regions. He knew that a division within the Christian church would be one more destabilizing force in the empire, so he moved to restore peace. Constantine called together more than 300 bishops from around the empire, primarily from the east. (This would have favoured Arius's cause, as that is where his influence was the greatest.) Bishops travelled thousands of miles to attend the conference held in Constantinople. Many came bearing wounds and scars from the torture they had endured for their faith.


The Arians submitted their statement of doctrine that flatly denied the divinity of Christ. It was soundly rejected. The bishops, led by Athanasius, considered what was taught by the original church in the writings of the New Testament. These men wrote up an alternative creed, which became the Nicene Creed. In it Jesus was affirmed to be divine, the historic position of the church for the previous three hundred years.

There are many confirmations of this fact. Here is what several of these leaders wrote, all long before the council of Nicaea. (years approximate):

  • Ignatius: "God Himself was manifested in human form" (A.D. 105).
  • Clement: "It is fitting that you should think of Jesus Christ as of God" (A.D. 150).
  • Justin Martyr: "The Father of the universe has a Son. And even God" (A.D. 160).
  • Irenaeus: "He is God, for the name Emmanuel indicates this" (A.D. 180).
  • Tertullian: "...Christ our God" (A.D. 200).
  • Origen: "No one should be offended that the Savior is also God..." (A.D. 225).
  • Novation: "...He is not only man, but God also..." (A.D. 235).
  • Cyprian: "Jesus Christ, our Lord and God" (A.D. 250).
  • Methodius: "...He truly was and is...with God, and being God..." (A.D.290).
  • Lactantius: "We believe Him to be God" (A.D. 304).
  • Arnobius: "Christ performed all those miracles...the...duty of Divinity" (A.D. 305).

This shows the leaders of the church have always considered Jesus divine.

The Council of Nicaea - Not a close vote

The newly written Niceaean creed was adopted by a landslide vote. Only two voted against. That can hardly be called close. The church had suffered for three centuries under the tyranny of the Roman Empire. The Council of Nicaea came only fourteen years after the final persecution of Christians at the hand of the Emperor Galerius. The bishops of the church would never have compromised what had cast their fellow Christians so much. They would have rather suffered another three centuries of oppression and persecution than deny their Lord.

Excerpted from:
Garlow, James L. and Peter Jones Cracking Da Vinci's Code
© 2004 Cook Communications, Colorado Springs, CO pp.93-96

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Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: PHILOXENIA: BIBLE - The Council Of Nicaea - The Conspiracy
11/30/2007 6:19:15 PM
I want to live after 2012

What do others say?

This is HARD!! Many will not be able to hear this at all!

Is it really possible that the Authorized King James Version of the Bible was Intentionally Doctored to reinforce and support a "priest class" and institutional, political heirarchies. The Protestant Reformation didn't go far enough. It didn't really eliminate the temple worship and priest class, it just put a nicer face on it.

Goddess of JUSTICE

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Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: PHILOXENIA: BIBLE - The Council Of Nicaea - The Conspiracy
11/30/2007 6:27:52 PM

ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Re: PHILOXENIA: BIBLE - The Council Of Nicaea - The Conspiracy
11/30/2007 11:17:31 PM
Thank you Georgio for a very enlightning and informative forum. I'll be back for the rest.

God Bless

God Bless Everyone
Re: PHILOXENIA: BIBLE - The Council Of Nicaea - The Conspiracy
12/2/2007 5:08:55 PM
Greetings Georgios, An enlightening insight to a long but secretive and controversial subject, I must say. But Pagans, especially those of Western and Northern Europe, have suspected for centuries that such was the case. In fact, their suspicions date back to around 450 A.D. when St. patrick was helping establish the early Church there, and deliberately persecuted Pagans, even those among his own friends and family. As for those of us in modern times, all one really has to do, is look at all of the facts with an open mind, read between the lines and form discussions with those of like mind around you. Even Jesus himself said, "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free". And to quote the words of rock-band Metallica from one of their earlier albums, "Truth is truth, no matter where it lies!". Was Jesus a man-made deity made holy? Or was his teaching twisted for the benefit of a new Church Heirarchy? The facts really Do point to the latter, as the 'Holy Bible' is not only missing 60 of it's orignal scrolls (or books), but those in there have been modified and manipulated so many times, that unless you go back to the Septuigant, you really miss a lot of the original subject matter AND intent. And that scares many modern scholars. Christianity was almost a perfect religion, except for these facts. Then add to that the nine-million souls who were murdered during the Dark Ages for 'NOT accepting Jesus', then you begin to paint a truer picture of what Christianity is. Only to find it is an organization which is based on lies, murder, and corruption. Which in and of itself, is a serious contradiction, because 'Genesis' I recall nemed Satan the 'Father of the Lie', did it not? Georgios, I really believe there is more to this discussion than you and I can put together. And I also believe that Christianity as a whole owes mankind several apologies, and a MAJOR apology to the Pagans of the Dark Ages. Hail the Old Ones, High and Holy! The Benster
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