Greetings Georgios,
An enlightening insight to a long but secretive and controversial subject, I must say. But Pagans, especially those of Western and Northern Europe, have suspected for centuries that such was the case. In fact, their suspicions date back to around 450 A.D. when St. patrick was helping establish the early Church there, and deliberately persecuted Pagans, even those among his own friends and family.
As for those of us in modern times, all one really has to do, is look at all of the facts with an open mind, read between the lines and form discussions with those of like mind around you. Even Jesus himself said, "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free". And to quote the words of rock-band Metallica from one of their earlier albums, "Truth is truth, no matter where it lies!".
Was Jesus a man-made deity made holy? Or was his teaching twisted for the benefit of a new Church Heirarchy? The facts really Do point to the latter, as the 'Holy Bible' is not only missing 60 of it's orignal scrolls (or books), but those in there have been modified and manipulated so many times, that unless you go back to the Septuigant, you really miss a lot of the original subject matter AND intent. And that scares many modern scholars.
Christianity was almost a perfect religion, except for these facts. Then add to that the nine-million souls who were murdered during the Dark Ages for 'NOT accepting Jesus', then you begin to paint a truer picture of what Christianity is. Only to find it is an organization which is based on lies, murder, and corruption. Which in and of itself, is a serious contradiction, because 'Genesis' I recall nemed Satan the 'Father of the Lie', did it not?
Georgios, I really believe there is more to this discussion than you and I can put together. And I also believe that Christianity as a whole owes mankind several apologies, and a MAJOR apology to the Pagans of the Dark Ages.
Hail the Old Ones, High and Holy!
The Benster