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Re: I do not usually react - But I am Outraged at this!!!! ... Gillian Gibbons
11/30/2007 2:23:03 PM

Blessings friends,

We all have to consider the source here..when satan is involved, and is controlling the minds of thousands of people, whom in their minds, thinks that what they are doing is a worthy cause, and that whomever they worship or believe in is giving them this encouragement then what we have to be alarmed at is what people will do when they are influenced by others, in this cituation, demons are influencing the thoughts of these people fueled by satans involvement. What did Jesus say to his disciples when they could not exercise out the spirits that were in the towns they were at..Jesus told them that this needed special attention, and basically a lot of prayer and fasting to get the strongholds loose. We need to do the same if we are to help them. Remember Jesus told his disciples that he is the head and satan is the is already decided what will happen. it may seem unfair that God allows all this to happen, but he has the plans we don't, and if some of us don't wake up per say and smell the coffee, then what has to be done to get peoples attention will be done! God is in complete control.

Blessings.Minister Tommy

Tommy Heldenbrand DivinelyAnointedMinistries
Sarah Pritchard

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Re: I do not usually react - But I am Outraged at this!!!! ... Gillian Gibbons
11/30/2007 3:46:55 PM
Yes, I find it ridiculous.

Why shouldn't a teddy bear be called Mohammed or Jesus or Buddha?

A teddy is usually considered a symbol of love.

I went to a children's church service in our village church and the priest used glove puppets to represent different Biblical characters, one of them being Jesus.

Should the priest have been accused of blasphemy? I don't think so. But it seems to be the same sort of thing to me.

Tolerance and love are the answer to the world's problems. Ridiculous situations like this only put world peace backwards instead of forwards.

I respect people's religious beliefs, and with that I believe there is an aspect of tolerance and understanding on both sides whether you are the foreigner or the local.

I ask the angels to support and protect Gillian and to bring her home safely.

Angel cuddles,

ps This is a copy of the message I left at Apsense for you.
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Jerilyn Merideth

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Re: I do not usually react - But I am Outraged at this!!!! ... Gillian Gibbons
11/30/2007 5:04:29 PM

Hi Venerina,

I agree 100% with you!

This is so wrong!

Take Care,


Jerilyn Merideth "Cutest Critter Photo Contest" now through April 30, 2011. "The purity of a person's heart can be quickly measured by how they regard animals" ~ Anonymous"
Venerina Conti

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Re: I do not usually react - But I am Outraged at this!!!! ... Gillian Gibbons
11/30/2007 9:39:38 PM

Hello Joyce ...

You are absolutely right ... the children chose it ... and children will be children ... I keep saying the same thing over and over again ... children will name lovable creatures with lovable names that mean something to them.

The justice system refused to acknowledge the children's testimonials ... so are they denying them a voice?  and my question is why?

I mean seriously looking at this with fresh eyes... Is it because Gillian Gibbons gave them a democratic vote and allowed them a voice? ... Is this what all this is about? ... Because the government would rather oppress them and keep them voiceless?

I do not see any logic in any of this .... like I said ... it's absurd!!!

Have a lovely weekend my friend


Venerina Conti

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Re: I do not usually react - But I am Outraged at this!!!! ... Gillian Gibbons
11/30/2007 9:48:56 PM

Hello Sara

I agree that so many wars and much destruction has been done in the name of many religions all across the globe ... the ultimate truth is that strip away our social status, our roles in society, what we do, how much we earn and all the rest of the matters of the physical world .... we are all equals.

It pains me that we use religion, culture, belief, colour or whatever as an excuse to attack each other.  The ultimate truth is love and light.  We are all being of light and love.

There is enough room on this planet for all of us to live side by side ... without having to rip each other a part ... and even less over the name of a teddy bear!!!

There are people starving, there are people dieing, there are people without basic human conditions ... and people are demonstrating to demand execution of a woman ... a human being ... over the name of a teddy bear?

Like I said ... It's proposterous ... I hope they deport her as quickly and safely as possible as well.

God speed my friend



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