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Re: Time to vote for the 17th Photo of the Week!!! Come see who the winner of the 16th Photo contest is!!!
11/28/2007 3:01:54 PM

My votes in Good Luck All.


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Re: Time to vote for the 17th Photo of the Week!!! Come see who the winner of the 16th Photo contest is!!!
11/28/2007 4:42:13 PM
Hi John,Pauline, ;-) Congrats Sharon and her cute darlings in the pic. I voted. LaNell 8)               

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Re: Time to vote for the 17th Photo of the Week!!! Come see who the winner of the 16th Photo contest is!!!
11/28/2007 4:58:19 PM

Hi Pauline and John,

Congratulations Sharon on your photo winning. My vote is cast. Best of luck to each of you who were kind enough to share your great photos.

Peace, Health and Prosperity,
Barb Doyle, Sc.

We would love to help you but you have to make the first move.


Re: Time to vote for the 17th Photo of the Week!!! Come see who the winner of the 16th Photo contest is!!!
11/28/2007 5:03:31 PM

Okay, my vote is cast.  You see I did not submit a photo this week.  Good reason, these were all too good.  But I do have favorites and I knew this was a winner.

Good luck to all,


Re: Time to vote for the 17th Photo of the Week!!! Come see who the winner of the 16th Photo contest is!!!
11/28/2007 10:23:14 PM

Hello Everyone!  8)


I just wanted to thank Everyone who has voted already and to say that I'm excited to see new people submitting there photos into the contest. This is becoming more fun with each contest. We got some really good photos again this week. Thank you for your participation in this forum and contest.

Love and blessings from,

John and Pauline

The POTW² Team


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