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Johnnie Lim

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Re: A Real close Friend of Mine Gave this, its a Court Order!
11/28/2007 9:16:01 AM
Brother Thomas,

That's one court order I will gladly accept.


To your success! johnnie lim shop and earn Please add me if I am not your friend yet.
Thomas Richmond

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Re: A Real close Friend of Mine Gave this, its a Court Order!
11/28/2007 11:21:36 AM
Thanks for the love Johnnie. Shalom to you too. God_bless you. Enjoy your day!
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Thomas Richmond

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Re: A Real close Friend of Mine Gave this, its a Court Order!
11/28/2007 11:23:45 AM
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Podo Pierre

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Re: A Real close Friend of Mine Gave this, its a Court Order!
11/28/2007 12:00:57 PM

Dear Thomas,

Jesus was accused for a crime he did not do and he found peace and Glory.We all must ,one day or the other be accused of something we never new about ,or rather one day take responsibility of something we never did. In the spiritual essence of Jesus resurrection, he blessed those who crucified him. He blessed, both the good and the wicked. His court was the people , but his judge was the Almighty God, who brought honor unto his name and everlasting joy to all humanity.

We must also one day, seek the joy of others by giving credence to those who have hurt us or accused us falsely. Evil is a human court of justice, because it's a sinners way of life. Sin however must be understood before it is eliminated. The greatest sin is as subtle as a snake, its full of pride , vanity and worldly gains. The greatest right or good comes with changes in a mans character and deeds.

The scriptures tell us how Paul became blind from sinful desires, it was a spiritual court which condemned him to do right. He was a victim of his acts , but found solace and peace when he gained sight again. He served God and the people. What a great joy there was when those whom he persecuted saw and heard him preach Christ. 'The Living God'  . Thomas said:-

"Jesus,could you get that for me Please"?
Yes Thomas, you are right. Jesus is always present to get into and out of anything whereby we seek his assistance truly. Jesus serves those who call after him in truth. I have found a way and that way is Christ. In him we are secured. He is our mediator ,our judge , our court and our advocate.

Thanks again brother T.
Pierre Louma


Thomas Richmond

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Re: A Real close Friend of Mine Gave this, its a Court Order!
11/28/2007 12:17:34 PM
Brother Pierre thanks for your contribution to this little wake up call, My Rabbi Jesus said that if he could he would tare down the temple of God and raise it up again in 3 days out of anger of what he saw, not thinking the romans with thick heads put him in shackles thinking it was a threat to the prayer temple of God where Jesus saw the romans make a mockery out of it by selling goods. It was meant for prayer only! Words can be uplifting? or not. Establishing the first is hard so we need to make known in a way not to step on anybodys way of thinking and establish what the Bible says of what is is said. Not one to judge but i do his work for Him to judge. God_bless you Brother Pierre
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