Getting a free website for your business is not sufficient if you plan to market your business online via search engine results. If your marketing plan is a combination of offline and online approaches, then it might be ok although the online marketing approach through a free website may not be effective. This is the reason:
Most major search engines index websites based on the root domain. This means that if you have the following websites:
- or
- or
Only would be indexed. The implication to those using free websites would be that your free website would never be indexed to your credit. You can then only market your free website through other means like in forums and through mass email.
80% of my website traffic comes from Google (35%), Yahoo (35%), MSN (30%). I need not always depend on mass emails, and forum participation to get my sales although they are a bonus to my efforts in marketing.
Successful online marketing efforts includes the usage of autoresponders for newsletters, developing your own affiliate program, Google Adwords, tec.
If you intend to have your online business compete on the Internet via Search Engine results, discover the simple secrets to improving your online marketing efforts at