Babette, my friend. I started looking around as I was posting in my forum this morning and I did not find my friend, so I went looking for you. Please forgive me for not stopping back by here. You should have given me a 'slap on the wrist' and said get over here.
God bless you and have a Wonderful Christmas!
First Snow 2002
As the snow drifts from the sky this December morn,
Somewhere in the world a new life is born.
The snow falls in such grace
And its cool softness melts on my face.
Just for a moment as I watch the sky
Caught in the wonder of it all, minutes pass by
Looking out on the blanket of white, this could be the beginning
A fresh white day to start a life or it could be the ending
Of a life that’s served its time - wasted moments, wasted years
Gone by in a short sweet flash, lived in joy, sorrow, and fears
Ending without regret this life of pain and starting a fresh new day
Covered by the snow’s purity, embracing each moment without delay
Snowflakes, frozen tears, frozen dreams melting as they touch warm skin
Pure as snow, life of sorrow wiped away; new dreams begin.
Sara Gardner Blow ©2002

Keep the Candle of Love burning.