
Sarah Pritchard

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Is the Internet nearing capacity?
11/23/2007 9:43:21 AM
Internet nearing capacity, U.S. study says

Increasing internet access and new capacity-intensive uses like streaming, interactive videos and shared music files are pushing the system toward gridlock, a U.S. study warns.

The report by Nemertes Research said:...............

You can read the rest of this report here.

I am only on dial-up, with all its frustrations and limitations, as that is all I can have here in the middle of the French countryside.

I know that those of you who are on dial-up will sympathise with me and my frustration.

Many of you are on broadband and have forgotten how slow and difficult internet life is with dial-up.

Perhaps you are going to be in the same boat as me soon?

I'm not wishing it upon you, but you may find this news article very interesting.

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Re: Is the Internet nearing capacity?
11/23/2007 10:43:06 AM

Thank you for the information,

I will check it out.


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Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: Is the Internet nearing capacity?
11/23/2007 3:15:57 PM


Thanks for the information.

I am beginning to remember what it was like.

I have atrojan virus which has slowed my PC to a crawl. I am trying to sort it out.

Tonight I had to revert to my laptopwhich is not only less powerful but I have to do my emails through web-based site.

With 186 e-mails I am cussing to say the least.

Happy Days.

Why dowe love these horrible machines anyway.


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Larry Blethen

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Re: Is the Internet nearing capacity?
11/24/2007 9:49:01 AM

hello Sarah...thank you for the information...but I must disagree that we are going to go back to dial-ups on the internet. 



Larry Blethen, 304-369-5603
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Re: Is the Internet nearing capacity?
11/24/2007 4:11:57 PM
About 3 years ago when I went back on dial up from Broadband, it was quite ok but this year when I went back on dial up for 2 weeks when I moved my home, it was a nightmare and so slow to be able to do anything.
I truely believe the internet is becoming near it capacity in many areas.
There will need to be major technology upgrades and many more servers world wide put into place to stop the speeds slowly down to a crawl.

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