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Sharon Lee

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WILDFIRE Out Of Control & Only 4 Miles From Linda. Please Pass the PRAYERS.
11/21/2007 3:26:38 PM

Bad Fires are in NM and only 4 miles from Linda Harvey. Please Pass Our Prayers around. Linda's Son, Tom is also a firefighter. Thank you.

Dear Lord, Please help us at this time with the horrible fires in New mexico and Protect everyone there.


Sarah Pritchard

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Re: WILDFIRE Out Of Control & Only 4 Miles From Linda. Please Pass the PRAYERS.
11/21/2007 4:18:07 PM
For Linda and everyone in NM

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Thomas Richmond

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Re: WILDFIRE Out Of Control & Only 4 Miles From Linda. Please Pass the PRAYERS.
11/21/2007 5:17:35 PM
Am I late? sorry my bad, i do have a prayer of course, as they are witnessing what i did not to long ago and only miles from my home as well. Dear father our host and redeemer, please take care of the people surroundng the fires in New Mexico and for the firefighters to wash away all embers, i pray for Linda and her family to be safe and secure from all harm! close all windows and vents for there health and safety to this terrable natural disaster, and if by chance it was made by human error like it was here i pray for those to get there just rewards as the law of the land sees fit. My words are short today and not much but atleast God gave me an extra umph to the cause, thank you Rabbi Jesus, and to having end this little prayer i want to say thank you for your son who died on that cross for me and for us all who truly believe in you and your works if we just simply follow your grand design for us, thank you Jesus, it is in His Holy name i pray. Amen.
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Jill Bachman

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Re: WILDFIRE Out Of Control & Only 4 Miles From Linda. Please Pass the PRAYERS.
11/21/2007 5:40:10 PM
Hi Sharon,

Thank you for letting us know about Linda and her son.  I have a lot of sympathy for those near any of these relentless fires, and I will surely say prayers.

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Phillip Black

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Re: WILDFIRE Out Of Control & Only 4 Miles From Linda. Please Pass the PRAYERS.
11/21/2007 6:15:08 PM

Thanks Sharon,

May God Bless you for sharing this news in this time of trouble.

Gracious God, tonight, as we prepare to Celebrate the many Blessings which you have bestowed upon us this past year, we ask that Your hand of protection be on all those who are in the path of the terrible fires currently raging out in New Mexico.  We especially kneel before You this evening on behalf of our Sister Linda Harvey and her Family, and in particular her Son Tom, who may be called upon to place himself in the direct path of the danger in order to defend the lives and property of his Brothers & Sisters in the area. While our hearts are filled with concern and  deep Christian love for all those in danger, our love alone cannot bring them  through this turmoil safely. Therefore, we pray that You will do for them, what we are unable to do, according to Your Will. We pray also, that when they are troubled by fear, confusion, loneliness, and doubt, You will send forth Your Angels to walk beside them to Strengthen and Comfort them, and that You will wrap them in your embrace, until the time of Trouble and Peril has passed. May Your love bring them peace and strength and the certainty of knowing they are loved. I ask this in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. AMEN

Linda, my Thoughts and Prayers are with you, Tom, and all of your Family during this time of trouble.  May His Angels bring you Comfort and Peace.

God Be With You My Friend,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10

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