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1001 Things to Give Thanks For
11/17/2007 8:06:47 AM
Dear Friends, May Your Thanksgiving Be Full of Happiness and Thankfulness. Let us Thank God for Keeping us Safe through all the calamities of this world. It is Time to remember All the Blessings We receive Everyday! From our Almighty Father! Thanks to Bogdan,W For finding a copy of part of my old Thanksgiving Forum. If Adland is kind enough to revive the forum it will make me more happy. Since it is long I will post it little at a time. As I recall it went upto 1200 things to be Thankful for. I have approximately 600+. If you would like to Post more things and keep it alive! I would appreciate it. Many of you never seen it So I am posting it again. Lets Overflow with Thankfulness, Colossians 2:6-7 Let Us Thank God for Everything 1 Thessalonian 5:18 nimi
Re: 1001 Things to Give Thanks For
11/17/2007 8:10:26 AM
Happy Thanksgiving! And Lets find 1001 things we can find to be happy and Thankful to God Happy Thanksgiving to ALL My Friends: It is that time of the Year,to remember,to reflect and to Praise God, for All the Blessings, He hath showered upon us endlessly........ Forum Owner: Nirmala Devaprasad Topic: 1001 things to be Happy about and Give Thanks! Forum: Happy Thanksgiving! And Lets find 1001 things we can find to be happy and Thankful to God Topic created by: Nirmala D. Started: 11-23-2005 Replies: 60 Nirmala Devaprasad Joined: 08 May 2004 Total Posts: 40 1001 things to be Happy about and Give Thanks! Posted: 11-23-2005 03:37 PM As we celebrate our Thanksgiving,I thought it will be fun to list 1001 things that we can be happy about.......... I will start it and any one may continue.... 1.Father we pause in your presence and thank you for your Eternal LOVE for us. 2.Thank you for giving us LIFE, and the sustenance to LIFE. 3.Thank you for Abilities, Talents,and Gifts, which ensure our survival. 4.Thank You for the gift of Laughter 5.For Hoola Hoops! 6.For coupons for the Groceries.... 7.sunburst yellow coolor 8.For the awesome, dawn @ Sunrise 9.For the breathtaking dusk at sunset. 10.mmmmmmmm baklava..... 11.cruncy pistachios Hello Nirmala This is quite a task you have established for youeself here but I commend you on your thoughtfulness. Heere is nunber 12. 12.for finding someone who still believes that it is possible to find 1001 to be happy about Happy Thanksgiving My Friend and please visit my forums and help us spread the message of hope to those who suffer with a mental illness and their loved ones. Sincerly, Bill Vanderbilt Hi Nirmala; Yes there is so much to be thankful for lets add 13 . For the good Friends and Angels God has placed in our life! Chas. D What a great idea here.... 13. I am happy to be cooking Thanksgiving dinner and spending it with my family. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving God bless, Jill ________________________________________ Hi lets make that #14 For the love of God ________________________________________ David Ellison 15. For God's love for us! 16. For all the people like you out there in the world, who know from where all blessings come. Great idea, thanks. Clay Thanks Bill, For being the first one to get it started for me! I will definitely check out your forums!I think we can make it by this weekend! Thank You Chas! Yes we do have many things to be thankful, and I do believe in Friends and Angels Too... nimi Hi Jill, Thanks for your participation. We can`t forget our Turkey! mmmmmmmm sounds yummy already! Enjoy, Have Fun and a Blessed Day! Hi David, Thank You! Yes! Love of God-The best Divine gift to the world sooooooo freely Given! Thanks Be to God! Have a Blessed Day Hi Clay! Thank You! Yes! Indeed, Let`s Thank God For His Great Love-which from our birth over and around us lies! Thank You God, For You alone are to be Worshipped, and worthy of our Praise! Have a Blessed Day nimi #17. For all the friends I have made at ALP forgot #18. For my sweetie Danny (Heytex or Tex) who sticks by me throught thick and thin. Donna aka texgThanks to Everyone posted so far! As we continue to celebrate Thanksgiving, which is a time of reflection, remembarance, and Praise God for all the Blessings, that He showers upon us..... Please join us,in making this list... 35.Thank You For our Family,and the opportunity to belong,Love and Be loved. 36.For the support of family,friends for their understanding,refuge&encouragement 37.For the beauty of each hour of the day! and of the night. 38.The Glorious sunshine! 39.It's Amore -when the moon hits ur eye! 40.Bountious, Beautiful Flowers around us! Irl 19.for being alive 20.for having a warm bed at night 21.for AdlanPro 22.for my computer 23.for my online business 24.for my 2 daughters 25.for Christ in my life 26.for my 2 legs, 2 arms, 2 eyes, hands,all my body functioning perfectly. 27.for the food in my fridge. 28.for the warm quilt on my bed 29.for my hot tea in the morning 30.for the music on my radio 32.for my internal peace 33.for the presence of God in my life 34.for being able to thank Thank You Donna! How can we forget our Friends in Adland and of course your sweetie pie! Have a Great Thanksgiving! Hi Gisela, Thank You,We both were writing at the same time, came up with the same # lol! So I went back and edited my #.This is begining to be fun!Yes! There are so many things, in our daily lives we take it for granted! Thanks for adding to the list. Have a Blessed Day! nimiThanks for inviting me to participate! #40 - I'm very thankful that God LOVE ME! He is my source of existence and Savior. He keeps me functioning each and everyday. Without Him, I will be nothing. ! Without Him, I am nothing but with Him: I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me. Phi 4Hi Florence! Thanks for being here! It is such a Blessing to have all of you here! Yes! He IS our ALL! Have a wonderful Thanks Giving. Let me add one more thing, I'm thankful for our service men and women. We should remember those who are so far away from home this holiday season. Cosetta DeanThanks Cosetta! That is #42. Yes Indeed we surely have to remember them. We have one of our own,in the Marine! But #43.Thank God he stays in Quantico,and he can come home to celebrate,Thanksgiving! 44.For The humming birds......humming 45.For the woodpeckers...pecking 46.For eagles flying high... mejestically 47.For self sticking stamps and lables 48.For Toilet tissues 49.For Saran Wrap 50.For Paper Towels. Thanks to eveyone doing a Great Job! Keep it Up!!!! nimiI'm thankful for the sunrise every morning,
Luella May

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Re: 1001 Things to Give Thanks For
11/17/2007 9:49:11 AM

Hello Nirmala,

Happy Thanksgiving to you my friend.  Hmmm... Let's see, did anyone mention being thankful for the napkin?

Seriously, this year I will reflect on a lot of things.  I am thankful that God holds me in his hand and takes care of me.  Too often we forget the awesomeness of life.  That we are even alive.  What a most precious gift.



Dean Beaty

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Re: 1001 Things to Give Thanks For
11/17/2007 12:11:13 PM

We have much to be thankful for this year. Dean's medical bills were $80,000+

We were not able to afford insurance as Dean was self employed.  Through Hospital Sponsership our bills have mostly been paid.  This is a great burden off of our hearts and minds.

It is wonderful to see how God provides our every need.  We are so thankful.

Sometimes the hardships in life provide God the opportunity to show his love and his goodness.

I am praising God for his goodness and his wonderful works to the children of men.

In Christ our Savior,

Dean & Gladys Beaty

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Phillip Black

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Re: 1001 Things to Give Thanks For
11/17/2007 3:58:03 PM

Hello Nirmala,

It's so good to hear from you again.  I really wouldn't know where to begin to list all that I'm thankful for, not only on Thanksgiving Day, but each morning when I first open my eyes to the beauty of another day the Lord has made.


Lord God, Heavenly Father, Thank You for Your countless Blessings, bestowed upon me each day.

Thank You for my eyes with which to appreciate the beauty of Your Creations, for my ears, that I might hear and understand the Wisdom of Your Holy Word, and for my voice with which to share the Good News of Your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ, that others might hear and know the Pure Joy of Welcoming Him into their Hearts and Lives.

Thank You for my Family and Friends, without whose Love, Fellowship and Concern, many times I fear that I would have wandered astray.

Father, Thank You most of all for Your Son, Jesus Christ, Whose death on Calvary and Whose Resurrection from the grave, gives all who believe and accept Him as Savior, the Promise of that Thanksgiving Day soon to come, when we shall all gather together at the foot of Your throne, to Praise and Worship You for Eternity.  Amen.

Wishing you and your Family, a Wonderfully Happy Thanksgiving, and may your year ahead be filled to overflowing with Good Friends, Good Health and Abundant Success.

God Bless You My Friend,



“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10

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